I would recommend against getting them.
Lots of plants, driftwood, etc. provide no shelter from a TB that has the urge to nip. Really, the only fish that work with TB's are more TBs and larger more aggressive fish. My pearl gourami lasted about 3 minutes before the barbs started in.
I believe in two things: 1) every shoal of TBs has to potential to have one or more "rogue" barbs that initiate fin-nipping; which causes the rest of the shoal to join in, 2) TBs are territorial as soon as one can be established.
To successfully have TBs in a community tank you would probably have to stick with a group of six to eight initially then add them to a an environment they cannot establish dominance in. Even with such a setup you could likely have one or more fish that are just more nippy than the rest.
I have seen TBs fin nip plecos three times their size, gouramis, corys, platys, neon tetras, and recently a rainbow shark.
Again, using your existing environment I would probably recommend against TBs as you will probably have better success with other fish.