Tiger Barbs

all right thanks wolf! I may be getting few then :) I am thinking of adding cardinal tetras and serpae (black and red) tetras for sure. I am ondering if my honey gourami wants a couple friends, i heard they do better with friends, but i am not sure....
Tiger Barbs get a bad rap and its really undeserved. They can go very well with a number of fish, as long as there are 6 or more tiger barbs. I've seen many times a shoal of tiger barbs with Scissortail Rasboras, Swordtails, Plecos, and Cories. In fact at my local fish shop, they keep Clown Loaches and Tiger Barbs together in one tank, and a Plecos and TB's in another. When I asked about them they said they've done it for a good long while and have NEVER had a problem. I currently keep 6 TB's with an African Albino Clawed Frog, and they coexist fine. The TB's completely ignore the frog.

Its hit or miss with some other fish, but the TB's are definately worth it. Get like 6-8 TB's, a couple of swordtails, a Pleco or a few clown loaches and you'll have a beautiful tank that should coexist just fine.
I had 8 for months, with no problems whatsoever.. i recently added 5 out of a brood that i had bred from them, and if anything they seem more relaxed than ever, after a mad half hour adujsting their pecking order to accomadate more of them of course. They live quite happily with 4 clown loach, 7 cories, and a juvenile Blue Acara (don't ask how that got in there, i have no idea :dunno: ).
incedentaly, mine lived with 2 rams for 3 months before my friend could take delivery of them. they were no problem to each other.. didn't seem bothered at all by each others presence :)
Ok so my main concerns were the TB's with angels, rams, an gouramis, and everyone is saying so far that it is ok, that i will be ok? I relly love my baby angel, he is a marbled angel with yellow, black, and white, and even some red on his top fin, a lot of it, it is so pretty, and if i lose him i will be so freaking mad, but everyone is saying i should be ok, so i may try out the TB's
>>> my main concerns were the TB's with angels, rams, an gouramis,

Very valid concerns...

>>> everyone is saying so far that it is ok,

... ahh, big huh?

Let me quote...
I would always advise against keeping TB's with gouramies or Angels. The fins are just too tempting a target for any self respecting TB.
... I think saying "everyone is saying it is okay" is pushing it SOMEWHAT.

>>> if i lose him i will be so freaking mad

If you lose him, it will be your fault because you chose to accept the advice which matches your requirements whilst ignoring any which puts a downer on things.
I definately wouldn't say its ok to kep TB's with angels. Some people may have had success..but I wouldn't count on duplicating that success too often. Personally, I don't know about rams, and gouramis can be iffy with TB's. I've seen kissing gourami's with TB's with no problems, but I don't know about any other. If you want TB's, stick with other Barbs, most Rasboras, Danios, Swordtails, Cories, Plecos, and loaches. Stay away from Angels, Guppies, some Gouramis, and Bettas. Some cichlids will work with TB's, so do your research on that.
i really dont need any TB's in my tank, so i could stay away from them, i guess if there was a way i would do it... but still looking at opinions... thanks everyone!
if you want TBs your best bet is to stay away from fish with long flowy fins ie: angels, betas, maybe long finned danios (not sure about this one) most gouramis(mine are fine together but iv seen so many gouramis with very different personalities)......like the others have said, your best bet would be most bottom feeders: plecs, corries, clown loach, ottos etc, other aquatic animals: shrimp, snails, african dwarf frogs, and then other fish: rasboras, barbs, swordtails, danios, maybe larger tetras(not sure though), if u put lots and i mean lots of caves and hiding places u might be able to get a rainbow/RTBS

one question though: were you planning on keeping angels and gouramis together, im not sure about the others experiences but my gourami got really jealus over the angel and i had to sadly put it in to a 2.5 gal tank(thank god its only about quarter size right now) for now....im def going to be getting it a 10 gal min untill it gets to big for it........dam impuls buys :*)
my angel and previous 9 gouramis were together for a couple months, they r fine and swim togther, no one has ever picked on one of my angels :)
On the plus side, TBs are a strong fish and in my case have outlived everything I've owned.

I wouldn't agree with that...Tiger's are IMO sensitive fish....The do poorly in water with even slight Nitrate/Nitrite conditions and i've gone through quite a few of them dying for unknown reasons. They are good as an early warning system and will let you know immediately if your water quality is poor.
As for the compatablity questions you'll always hear people say that they can keep TB's with angels/gouramis etc in there own experience....but as a safety precaution i wouldn't do it....It's sort of like throwing an oscar in with a neon and saying "maybe he won't eat it"...But sooner or later those long flowing fins will take a hit. It's just too much temptation for them.

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