Tiger Barbs- Boys Or Girls


New Member
Dec 21, 2004
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Brisbane Australia
Help ! I have been given four of these little guys (tiger barbs )and I don't know how to tell them apart. I've read up on the conditions and care they like but I'm stumped how to tell if they are male or female - and they are not giving anything away either. I have put them in their own tank with lots of plants and swimming room but need to know if there is going to be any hanky panky and is there anything special I have to do for them to sporn. Thanks :/
When sexually mature, male tiger barbs will show bright red noses, his dorsal fin will have a red line above the mainly black fin and his ventral fins will turn bright red.

check this out http://fish.orbust.net/tigers.html
Hi Wolf,
Thanks for clearing that up - I have them sorted out now and I have one male and 3 female. Should he have any more girls or is that enough for him to handle ? And if the girls are pregnant can you see a darker gravit point like in the Livebearers?
one male to 3 females will be enough to keep him happy.
If you do have the capacity to add some more, TBs are a better fish to have in large groups. I have 14(10 normal, 4 green, 4 albino) in a 62 gallon tank and they are far more sociable in the larger group.

The only concern is if you just have the 4 and there are other species of fish in the tank, they may then become very territorial and aggressive.

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