Three Of My Fish Just Died And One Has A Buoyancy Problem?


New Member
Nov 8, 2010
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I'll start off with the very beginning.

I had to buy 4 guppy fish, two males and two females along with two mystery snails for an ecosystem that we were making in a jar along with an aquatic plant. We closed the pickle jar on top with a lid, and left it like that for two weeks, noting down the observations. All of the fish and snails were alive after the two weeks, and everything was OK. We never fed them during that time since the jar was closed for two weeks, but I'd imagine they fed off the aquatic plant.

After the two weeks, we unassembled the ecosystem, taking out the snails and the fish, along with the plant. I brought a pickle jar to school to transport the 4 guppies home, along with one other guppy from another person and a zebra danio, leaving the snails at school to the teacher because they reproduce too quickly.

I came home on Friday afternoon. The fish survived the ride. Since I didn't have an aquarium at that time, I took out a large vase and I put in conditioned water by Big Al's Water Conditioner. I also put in an automatic heater that heated the water to around 24 degrees Celsius. Then, I inserted the fish along with the plant.

We thought about getting a large aquarium because we love pet fish here, so we headed out to the store the next day, Saturday, and bought a large 29 Gallon aquarium starter kit from Tetra with a Whisper filter and some other stuff, along with gravel and decorations.

That day, we brought home some fish food for Tropical Fish that came with Tetra's starter kit, and I fed the fish a pinch of the food. They all ate the flakes, leaving a bit of flakes down on the plant. Then Sunday came, the next day, and I fed the fish once more, like I was planning to once a day. We were still setting up the stand and aquarium since we were quite busy with other stuff that day.

The next day, on Monday, I went to school in the morning. I didn't really pay attention to the fish in the vase, since I was in a rush.

When I came back home, I stared at the vase, and I saw two guppies just on the plant, and one zebra danio lying upside down at the waterline at the top. I checked to see if their mouths were moving, and they werent. The three other fish were still alive.

I started to transport the fish to a small pot with the water from the vase, and throwing the dead fish down the toilet. I changed around 70% of the old water with newly conditioned water. I put in the three remaining Guppies and now they're in there. They seem all right, for now.

The only thing im worrying about is, there is one Male Guppy who just swims upward, then floats to the bottom, then swims upwards, then to the bottom, etc. I read that it may be some bladder problem of overfeeding, even though I only fed once a day.

I'd like to know why my fish died, and why my fish is swimming upwards then floats downwards.
..go easy on them guys.

I'm afraid you have made a plethora of mistakes.


Also, who was it in school that told you to keep 4 guppies in a jar?? I'd like to know the name and the school if possible.
..go easy on them guys.

I'm afraid you have made a plethora of mistakes.


Also, who was it in school that told you to keep 4 guppies in a jar?? I'd like to know the name and the school if possible.

Aha, you do know that in Ontario, Canada, this ecosystem project is done by all students in the first year of high school in the province?
..go easy on them guys.

I'm afraid you have made a plethora of mistakes.


Also, who was it in school that told you to keep 4 guppies in a jar?? I'd like to know the name and the school if possible.

Aha, you do know that in Ontario, Canada, this ecosystem project is done by all students in the province?

Thank you for giving me my first ever reason to hate canada. I'm sorry but I find it just wrong, just plain wrong.

I'm afraid your fish have likely died from lack of oxygen, or stress, or general mistreatment.
I apologise, but I will be unable to help you from here on out. Good luck with curing your fish, regards, Rusty.
To be completely honest I`m not surprised at what you`re describing :hyper:

I personally find it absolutely disgusting that you could be asked to do that to fish, ok I know frogs get dissected etc etc for laboratory and learning purposes but using fish?? ppffftttt!!! As fish lovers on this forum I`ll be very surprised if someone isn`t a lot more blunt than me :crazy:

Those fish have gone from no food to loads of food, from being stuck in a tiny space to being moved into a bigger space, from no heat to being mention of a filter though?
I`m not having a go at you however the only thing I can really say now is for you to be prepared that the rest of the fish die as well.

If you seriously plan on keeping the fish I wuld strongly advise that you get yourself a filter and a liquid testing kit so that you can learn to keep the fish properly. :/
I actually can not believe that this is even taught in a school this is just insane!

Basically it is just wrong. The eco system you were taught I imagine was correct - in the sense that I imagine they told you how ammonia gets turned into nitrite and then into nitrate in which the fish can live?

If this is the lesson in practice it is true but the process of growing the bacteria to do this takes weeks and weeks before the water stays in a condition that fish can survive.

The first two weeks in the jar will have created a level of toxins that will have started to effectively kill them then the transport and the additional unsuitable home will have finnished them off.

I just dont know what to say I am litteraly amazed and sickened that an entire country is being taught that this is acceptable.


*edit was quite harsh apologies to Canadians
Here's some advice.

Tomorrow when yo go to school, tell them that you have learned that keeping fish in a jar is wrong, and that the teachers should be ashamed for setting this task.

Fish are living beings, living, breathing, feeling, thinking beings. They are not something to be sealed up in a jar.
This isn't your fault as you have not been told the correct way of doing things.

Though "we love pet fish here", if you really love fish, you will try to stop this project ever being held again.
I hope you can understand our anger at hearing of such mistreatment of fish, and forgive us for our anger.

If you intend to set up a fish tank and keep fish, you'll need to do it properly, and we will be happy to help.

This is as..nice and polite as I can possibly be on this subject.

Thank you for reading. Rusty.
for a start you should read up about fish in cycles straight away im too mad to comment about anything else right now it a disgrace at what they have done
Wow.... O.O That is so appalling to the point that I am nearly speechless.

Right...erm. Every one has pretty much covered why your fish have died. Just thought I'd add some general info:

You need to get your tank set up now. Go read this section of the forum: Click here and read everything.

You can't do a fishless cycle for your 29 gallon, so you are going to have to do daily water changes to keep your fish alive. This basically means that the fish waste will produce ammonia, which will poison your fish. You need to get a tester kit, and do as many water changes as necessary to keep your ammonia and nitrite levels down until beneficial bacteria builds up in your filter. This bacteria will then break down the ammonia and nitrite, but you will still need to do weekly water changes.

DO NOT buy any new fish until your tank is fully cycled, otherwise you'll likely kill everything.

And I agree with RustedKnight, you should tell your teachers that they should be ashamed of themselves. Instead suggest to them that you all set up a small tank together and learn how to look after fish properly instead of ever repeating this "lesson".
Wow.... O.O That is so appalling to the point that I am nearly speechless.

Right...erm. Every one has pretty much covered why your fish have died. Just thought I'd add some general info:

You need to get your tank set up now. Go read this section of the forum: Click here and read everything.

You can't do a fishless cycle for your 29 gallon, so you are going to have to do daily water changes to keep your fish alive. This basically means that the fish waste will produce ammonia, which will poison your fish. You need to get a tester kit, and do as many water changes as necessary to keep your ammonia and nitrite levels down until beneficial bacteria builds up in your filter. This bacteria will then break down the ammonia and nitrite, but you will still need to do weekly water changes.

DO NOT buy any new fish until your tank is fully cycled, otherwise you'll likely kill everything.

And I agree with RustedKnight, you should tell your teachers that they should be ashamed of themselves. Instead suggest to them that you all set up a small tank together and learn how to look after fish properly instead of ever repeating this "lesson".

Thank you very much, I'll get to finishing setting up the aquarium immediately.

This was a helpful post.

The only question I have left is, will the fish floating down and swimming up fast heal or not?
Honestly your fish may not pull through. Unfortunatly it's probably very very stressed. Sorry to say.

Though if its strong it may pull through, but don't keep your hopes up.

I respect your wanting to learn how to set up a proper established tank, very grown up of you.
I'm really not sure. Considering the conditions they've had to live in their immune systems are probably quite weak which means he is susceptible to other infections.
Can you describe his symptoms more? Does he float on his side? Does he tip forwards at all?

You need to be prepared that you will probably have to do several water changes a day on your tank in order to get it to the right conditions, so please make sure you have enough tap water conditioner to last anything from 4-6 weeks if not longer. You need to also test your water with a liquid test kit until the results end up looking something like this:

Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: 5-20ppm

Do you have any more questions?
I'm really not sure. Considering the conditions they've had to live in their immune systems are probably quite weak which means he is susceptible to other infections.
Can you describe his symptoms more? Does he float on his side? Does he tip forwards at all?

You need to be prepared that you will probably have to do several water changes a day on your tank in order to get it to the right conditions, so please make sure you have enough tap water conditioner to last anything from 4-6 weeks if not longer. You need to also test your water with a liquid test kit until the results end up looking something like this:

Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: 5-20ppm

Do you have any more questions?

Ok, I just checked the symptoms of the fish with the problem and he's just lying in a corner and I don't see his mouth moving.

I think he died. He's upside down.
Aye it didn't sound good to be honest. How far have you got your 29 gallon set up?

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