Three Fish In As Many Days


New Member
Sep 28, 2011
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Hi im hoping someone can give me a likely cause of the issue with my tank and tell me its not as bad as im thinking. :-(

i have lost 3 fish in 3 days the first was my smallest male guppy. he has always been small but he ate with the rest so i just assumed he was going to stay small well a few days ago i noticed his belly was swollen had a look on line and what came up most often was dropsy ? though it was just his belly so i wasnt sure.

Next day one of my neon tetras did not eat and my partner noticed that his colour was dull by the time i came home he was dead. He said it looked like his belly had split and today another neon tetra i had a look and sure enough there was a small hole on its belly. Any ideas what this could be ? where it came from ? i havent added any new fish to the tank recently and have done a large water change today. All other fish look fine but then so did those fish other than the guppy...
What are your water parameters and is the tank fully cycled?
the only one i test at home is Ammonia. I get my water tested twice a month at my local fish store something i started when i first set up the tank to save on confusion :blush:

it was tested on the 30th and everything was good.

the tank has been up and running for about 8 months and has had fish in for about 6. The only other time i have lost a fish was when i was starting out and cleaned the tank completely. I have no idea what could be going on. im doing everything the same as i always have ?
Sounds like internal parasites to me.

I would suggest you get a nitrite test kit as well, though, so you don't have to rely on the efficiency (or otherwise) of whichever LFS employee test your water. Do they tell you actual numbers, or do they say "That's fine"?
first thing to do is test your water, did you notice if the lump was hard like a tumor or soft like fluid, i think it could be your water as three fish have died of similiar symptoms, di
they tell me and i can give them a call tomorrow if you think it will help to know i just assumed as i have the checks done regularly that the water wouldnt be the issue though if it is thats got to be pretty easy to fix with just large water changes no ?


there was no lump it was a small hole in its belly i wish i had thought to take a picture of it. it was a little hole not like a spilt it was round though im not sure if that helps any ?

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