Thoughts On This Fishbowl.


Apr 6, 2009
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I dont own this, and i'm not planning on getting this. Someone I know just put this together and from the information I've gathered I think its a pretty bad idea.

Its a 3 gallon fish bowl

inside are

1 male betta
1 corydoras
2 snails
1 algae eater
1 kuhli loach

and 7 white cloud mountain minnows.

So thats 11 fish in total (13 including the snails) in a 3 gallon fish bowl.

The bowl has an undergravel filter and one sword plant. No shelter-like ornaments.

Good idea? Bad idea? Horrible idea?

*edit*- please give reasons for your opinion because i plan on showing him this to support my argument.
Is it heated?

The minnows are coldwater and the rest are tropical so not a good idea really
undergravel filters are hard to clean and do even work that well :no:
so its a bad idea
oh and that would be severely overstocked
also would need a heater
corys need to be in groups of 6+ and depending on what sort wont be able to take the same temp as the betta
khuli loaches need to be in groups of 6+
WC minnows are very active fish and need a bigger tank and wont be able to tolerate the same temp as the betta - they are not just cold water fish but can handle sub tropical temps

The person WHOEVER they may be needs to be forced to live in a 18 inch cage , then they can appreciate what they are doing to the fish
Severely overstocked....even if it was a 3 gallon square tank as opposed to a fishbowl.

Fishbowls are just not good ideas in the first place.

Undergravel filter plus decorative plant----filter hardware and plant make the living space even that much smaller as it would be in the way in such a small environment.

If it is unheated that's even worse as temperature fluctuations would be rampant in just 3 gallons of water----and if there is a heater---even less living space to move about in.

No shelter---not good at all....but then again where would it even fit?

This is a very very very very bad setup. I am sensing a lot of aquatic deaths in that bowl to come.
that bowl is just about bigg enough for 1 betta by itsself let alone all the other fish!!!!!!!!!!
very very very very very very very very very very very very very bad idea!!!!!!!!!!!
You friend needs to get a 10-15 gallon tank or bigger ASAP. 3 gallons is only good for one aquatic thing, Shrimp. NO, not even the betta should be in that bowl.

Look on ebay, in classified ads, Craigslist and garage/car boot sales. Tanks can be found in all those places. I've been to 2 car boot sales this morning and spotted a 5 gallon and a 20 gallon. Your friend has no excuse and no need for such a useless bowl.

If you can't find a tank quickly, a big food safe clear plastic storage bin will be fine temporarily until a proper tank can be found. Like this one but more transparant


He'll need a filter and a heater. Both can be found on Ebay for a fairly low cost. A small internal cannister filter like a Fluval 1 or aWhisper will be fine. A 25 or 50 watt heater is needed, especialy for the betta as they need to be kept at around 27 degrees C.

The white clouds ought to be re-homed or taken back to the store , as they are not compatible with the betta on terms of temperature if nothing else. The are a cool water/sub tropical species .

Khulies and cories are very social fish, and both species need to be in groups of at the very minimum 4, preferably 6 .

Algae eaters grow large and need subsequently large tanks to contain them .Some also get agressive and are very poor companions for the other fish mentioned . That fish will need to be re-homed or taken back to the store.

Water changes on a 10-20 gallon should be around 25-50% every single week.

If your friend thinks this may be too much work ( it really isn't ) then he should re-home all the fish and look for a different hobby.

Information on all these commonly known species and their requirements can be EASILY found online or in books ( often a far better resource than the pet shops many buy their fish from ) . There is no excuse and no reason to subject fish to this sort of treatment.
This guy has a lot of experience with fish tanks years ago so when I say anything about this bowl idea he just gets offended and says I'm being negative. I showed him this thread last night to make my argument sound more legit but he just blew it off. a very stubborn man he is. When i made the point about the corys and loaches being social fish he actually said hes considering getting one more of each. I just stood there in confusion :huh: . That would just add to an already extremely overcrowded bowl. I'm thinking about stealing his cory when he's not looking and throwing in my 20 gallon with my corys. I mean, my tank is technically a bit overcrowded too (nothing like the bowl) but I think it could handle one more cory.

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