Thoughts On This Fishbowl.

Heck, steal all of his fish!
Oh old habit fish owners are just SO stubborn... which is why some of those old wives tales still float about.. such as fish only growing to their tank size, fish-in cycling, etc etc.

That tank is so overstocked it's not even funny. I have a 3gal hex tank and used it for a betta w/ a filter w/ a heater and would NEVER imagine to put in anything else w/ it.
Keep pestering him, keep showing him that his tank is overstocked.

I can only assume that he didn't bother to cycle the tank before getting fish? He'll soon find out very quickly how bad of an idea it was.
Wehey for jumping on people, Lets give them more advice then "tell him he is an arrogant idiot, for thinking that its okay when others have told him its not".

Maybe your friend just dosent understand what he is doing? Someone shouting at you saying THIS IS A BAD IDEA, THIS WONT WORK, wouldnt really stop me to be honest. Maybe if you educated him then he would listen :eek:!

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