Thought My Mrs Wasnt Bothered About Fish

Yeah, I get the 'you spend more time and money looking after that fishtank than you do on me!' too - and we're getting married in a few weeks. God forbid I spend a few quid on some more plants for the aquarium instead of devoting my entire income to buying tea lights and table number holders and confetti and *%$£ing BUBBLES!
I get the occasional "tanks looking nice" but not much interest in the fish themselves beyond them being amusing to watch when being fed for a few minutes. But my mum gets stupidly attached to individual fish, mainly babies, and names them (grr), then cries when I'm chucking them in the bin cos they're dead for some reason.

The first time my sister saw the tank she stared into it for five minutes, and I was thinking "aw, it's nice when someone appreciates it", but then she pointed at an albino cory and said "these things look like dead fingers", and walked away. Nice.

But she did get attached to the dwarf gourami in my pic and call him Raymond, so she must've paid a bit more attention at some point.

Nobody understands why I spend so much on the tank and fish. Luckily we all have a safe space here with people who DO understand...
its seriously addictive, starting your tank, cycleing it, scapeing it so you and the fish are happy and then finaly getting them to breed, once you have conquered that then its time for another tank,more fish or another rescape lol

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