This Isnt Whitespot.. It Cant Be

thanks for the link wilder, and thats for that colin, i take on board the frozen food thing as its what i use, ill get fresh
ill also go and prepare the clean water container now
It't such a shame as he was a little cutie pie.
Colin would you recommend turning temp down now.
It looks very similar to what one of my khuli loaches had when i first got him , i thought it was white spot i treated him for 3 weeks in bare bottomed tanks - switched between 2 tanks each week - temp 82 degrees

I ended up using interpet anti fungus and finrot for 1 week and they started clearing up well the next week i treated with interpet anti internal and by the end of that week he was all clear - temp 77-78 degrees

i was of the thinking he didnt have white spot at all but some other infection that was affecting him inside and out

by week 7 he was back in the tank chasing the others around and now he i think is a she cos she;s really podgy and getting chased and i've had some green eggs appear ;) although they have all been munched
Ok. Good Luck.
thanks for that pip, im going to go with colins idea , only as i have used what i feel is too many meds already,it cant be doing any of them any good :(

have set them up in a tub and made the water as close to the other tank as i can ( 78-80) theres a heater in there and ill be watching it closley
Good Luck Shel.
Just keep the temperature in the buckets the same as what you had in the main tank. Then the fish won't stress as much from the temp difference.

Keep an eye on the temp in the buckets because small containers often get hotter than they should.

If none of the spots have gone after a week, then it won't be whitespot and you will have to look at something else. Perhaps something like pippoodle's idea of treating for fungus.
right fab thanks colin

there is some good news, only 1 of the 2 in the tank seems to be effected, so i have put the one with spots on him in this

ill put him in a clean one everyday for a week, just see how it goes i spose, im hopfull tho
have added a tiny filter purely for areation, it came out of a cycled tank, i just kept it for the shrimp tank just incase
Make sure you wash the filter out really well each time you move the fish. The filter will draw in and trap the whitespot cysts after they detach from the fish. If you don't get the cysts out of the filter then they will hatch out a few days later and reinfect the fish. Hence the reason to only have an airstone, heater & thermometer in the container.

If you are concerned about ammonia, then you can add some Ammogon or Zeolite (same stuff different name). It will absorb any ammonia from freshwater. When you clean the container just chuck the Ammogon out and replace it with some new stuff. You only need a bit of Ammogon spread over the bottom of the container.
The other thing you can do is add a dechlorinator/ water conditioner that traps/ binds ammonia and stops it affecting the fish. Ammolock is one brand but there are others. You add this to the container and it will bind to the ammonia and prevent it damaging the fish.
right ok, i will add an airpump tommorow cant do it today as i used the last of the airline for my car windscreen wash bottle, so its literally a temp measure :)
i can throw away the media in there and add new from another tank
good luck hun , thats similar to what i did with the 2 bare bottom tanks , i used ammolock in them with an airstone running under the bag of it lol
Hopefully it's only whitespot and it all goes with this treatment

keep us posted hun xxx

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