This Isnt Realy Anythink To Do Wid Fish But I Dont Know Where To Post

Upload your pics to Photobucket or imageshack or similar. Copy the IMG code of the desired piccy from the photobucket or imageshack and paste it in your thread :good:
i cant find anythink like it my laptop broke so im on the old comp how can i load it
Have you got a photobucket account?

If not , and you haven't got another online album they are easy to sign up to.

If you have got one, then just look under the photo you want and copy the IMG code
it wont let me sign up it says
There was an error with your submission
We're sorry. Based on the information you have submitted to us, you are ineligible to register on Photobucket.
You can also upload them direct from your computer, on the attachment bit, press the browse button, find the image on your computer, open it then, upload it. If you have microsoft office picture manager, you can resize photo to fit, web size small is the size I use :good:

I hope that makes sense. I couldn't get photobucket to work either, so the above is how I add pictures :thumbs:
Attachment are really only permitted in a couple sections as they take up too much storage space. Photbucket is really pretty simple. Once you set up an account and log in. The screen comes up to add photos. Add them, copy the IMG code and paste it into your thread. It will look like the link below except it will have a ] on the end. I had to remove it or you would have seen the photo instead of the link.[/IMG

The photo:
Now thats where I was going wrong I was trying to add pictures from photobucket as an attachment rather than copy and paste :good:
Thanks rdd1952 will try that why in future.

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