This Is Twinkle Toes

Spayed means they took her female parts out. Neutered means they take a males parts out. That is what they call it here. I dont know how they call it where you live.
Oh well either way it really means no more kitties. And that was the purpose of her surgery. I hate doing them that way but I also hate when they go into heat they are the most presistant animals I have ever seen when they are wanting a male cat.
My cat (Momma Kitty) was the first cat I ever saw in heat. I had no idea how truely annoying a cat could be. On a side note I also didnt know a neutered male could still perform, but one of my male cats decided to shut her up. Almost embarassing walking in on some kitty loving in the hallway. :/

If your male kitty wasn't fixed before sexual maturity...just because he can't reproduce doesn't mean he doesn't not know how to procreate lol.

On a more somber note**

When female cats are in heat they can become extremely aggressive.
My cousin *had* 2 beautiful female cats, a siamese (Belle) and a russian blue (Blue). He's had them since they were babies and bother *were* almost 2 at the time of incident.

I kept telling him he needed to get them both fixed, that I was pretty sure it wasn't a good idea for them to be kept in close quarters while they stayed in heat..which they did..feeding off each other. I think those cats were in heat for 6-8 months solid the last time.

Anyways..One day they went out in the garage (which is not a typical's set up like a living room) where they were being kept, since my cousin just had a new baby and all, and could only find 1 cat, Blue. They looked and looked for Belle to no avail. They thought someone had let her outside and thought she was lost, they went out looking and cat.

A week later my other cousin goes out there to watch tv and noticed the room smelt "bad" and started looking around. He found Belle half in the covered litter box and half out. Her eyes were scratched out and she was cut up and bloody. Obviously Blue had hurt her very badly and she was hiding somewhere in the room afraid to come out. She had to go potty and made her way to the litter box...where she died.

I didn't want to make my cousin feel worse then he already did (he liked Belle the most) but I felt that if he had gotten them fixed they wouldn't have been so hormonally charged, because until they went into heat they were very loving to each other..but once they went into turned into all cats for themselves until the heat cycle was over again (then it went back to lovey dovey). :sad:

Moral to long story...get your cats fixed (unless they are show cats).
Here is another picture of my baby. She is so sweet. She is one of my favorites misdermeaner used to be my favorite until twinle toes came along This one is misdermeaner My other pride and Joy''

More Pictures of my cats. I dont know who they are until they come up..


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Aww! Your cats are so cute!

:eek: But 24? Wow! I didn't realise you had that many!

I agree, I think you should be Pet Owner of the Month Year!
SRC - You always have the craziest stories. Poor kitty, I bet your cousin was devastated... I know I would be.

What beautiful cats Angel_Lady! I was talking to a co-worker about animals and she said she had 40+ cats :blink: (all rescues)and 7 dogs :blink: on a 7 acre property. :S That's a farm... not a home. :eek:
one more

here are some of my ferrets


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Great pictures, Angel Lady. All your pets look so great, and very very healthy. Good job! :thumbs:

Poor Twinkle Toes getting spayed. I know how it is though...we got one of our yearlings gelded the other day. The poor guy looked so demoralized. The look on his face was priceless though. :wub:
a few more

Thats all for now thanks all for looking I will post some more this evening when I feed them all so you all can see all 24. Although you will only see 23 The cat that cost the most money will not eat with the other. He think he is better than the rest of them..


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Hi Angel Lady, :)

What sweet kitties you have. :wub:

I only have one and have not yet had her "fixed." She is so sweet when she comes into heat that I just want to cuddle her all the time. I probably will in time though, especially if she starts spraying. :X

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