This Is Really Cool.

I dont like him now. hopefully theres no fish in that vase. O BTW What kind of fish is that in your avatar? Hes really cool.
there are some fish that will do prefectly well in picos you just have to research to find the right fish
hes not that bad, but he has some incorrect information.....

He seems determained that he can keep a mandarin goby in a 10 gallon with no refugium..... After he has lost quite a few of them..... He still buys them though.....

EDIT: Actually, he is pretty bad.....

55 gallon:
2 discus (doesnt seem very compatible with the other fish....)
1 angelfish (cool)
1 black ghost knife (gets HUGE!)
1 royal pleco (gets huge)
2 bala sharks (get huge, need to be in schools of at least 6 and can get to like 20" long each)
2 black skirt tetras (need to be in schools of at least 6)

New 55 gallon stocking:
1 angelfish (same)
1 black ghost knife (same)
1 royal pleco (same)
2 bala sharks (same)
2 clown loaches ( get huge, schoolers)
4 kuhli loaches (ok)

List goes on, overstocked, undereducated, and cruel. He is bad, forget about what i said earlier.
Perhaps you should learn a little more before commenting on others' stocking so vociferously:

hes not that bad,
He seems determained that he can keep a mandarin goby in a 10 gallon with no refugium..... After he has lost quite a few of them..... He still buys them though.....

You can keep a mandarin in a 10 gallon, so long as you find one that takes frozen then there won't be a problem. Size is not the issue, feeding is. Also, if you have access to a pod population then that would help keep a mandarin alive in a small tank.

EDIT: Actually, he is pretty bad.....

55 gallon:
2 discus (doesnt seem very compatible with the other fish....)
1 angelfish (cool)
1 black ghost knife (gets HUGE!)Takes a looong time to get past 8" though
1 royal pleco (gets huge)Even slower growing than bgk, rarely seen past 8-9"
2 bala sharks (get huge, need to be in schools of at least 6 and can get to like 20" long each)Lucky to get much past 10" in aquaria, 14" max in wild
2 black skirt tetras (need to be in schools of at least 6)maybe there was a shoal and he is not replenishing it

New 55 gallon stocking:
1 angelfish (same)
1 black ghost knife (same)
1 royal pleco (same)
2 bala sharks (same)
2 clown loaches ( get huge, schoolers)Take forever to outgrow anything around the 55 gallon mark
4 kuhli loaches (ok)

List goes on, overstocked, undereducated, and cruel. He is bad, forget about what i said earlier.

Based on the above, I think perhaps you are quick to judge others. Just because the way they keep aquaria doesn't fit in with how you like, does not instantly make them cruel. The only fish I would have any real issue with are the bala sharks being in too small a tank. The rest, while capable of outgrowing his tank, are very slow growers. My two bgk are in a 6x2x2 and have probably not grown an inch since I put them in there 18 months ago (at around 8" each).

I currently keep 1 neon in a tank, does that make me cruel? No. It makes me someone who had a shoal of neons and hasn't replaced them as they have died over the years.
Having looked at his website, his biggest crimes IMO are artificial substrate and plastic plants :p

His comments on keeping madarins are really quite well balanced and worth reading.
i agree that mandarin article was really good, thinking outside the box :)

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