This Is Awful! >:(


Fish Fanatic
Mar 12, 2011
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I was looking through Google images at some pictures of Fantail Goldfish, since I'm researching them in order to keep around 3 juveniles in my new tank, (but also mainly because they're absolutely gorgeous and I love looking at them), and I come across this!!


I audibly gasped when I saw that, it makes me so mad!! A part of me is hoping this is some sort of photoshop job but I don't think it is, and it makes me so angry...I just want to rescue that fish but now I'm thinking how many of those keychains exist?

What possesses people to think things like this are okay? That poor little fish... :sad:

Sorry, this is kinda upsetting I know but I just needed to rant at the people I know will appreciate my anger/sadness.
yeah ive seen this one before disgusting is the only word
how are they fed? who would get a key chain of a fish that won't last more than a few hours? remember, thats what an overstocked tank is like!
Yeah apparently they were sold in the hundreds of thousands during the Beijing Olympics...seriously wtaf. Disgusting IS the only word for it, I can't believe someone actually thought this up and could look themselves in the mirror every morning.

Fish are not disposable decorations! D:<
That is rather bad.

I'm surprised it has been allowed to be sold.

Surely some animal rights person must have reported it & got it banned, as it would be classed as cruelty to animals.
That poor fish can't eat, breathe or have any freedom of movement.

I'd be surprised if it lasted more than a couple of days.

I was going to say that looking at the guy in the background, it looked like it was in Japan/China or somewhere like that, but Beijing is good enough.

That is wrong. Very wrong.
I share your anger & sadness.
That is rather bad.

I'm surprised it has been allowed to be sold.

Surely some anumal rights person must have reported it & got it banned, as it would be classed as cruelty to animals.
That poor fish can't eat, breathe or have any freedom of movement.

I'd be surprised if it lasted more than a few days.

That is wrong. Very wrong.
I share your anger & sadness.

There was apparently an outrage about it but nothing got done...unbelievable, I know. If it was a kitten, there'd be war. And apparently the poor little things were lucky to make it through the manufacturing process, and even if they did, they only lasted a few hours in the keychain.
More to the point...who would BUY one of these???
yeah just because you can't pet a fish, theyre cheaper, and dont have fur apparently means to animal rights that they don't exist.
yeah just because you can't pet a fish, theyre cheaper, and dont have fur apparently means to animal rights that they don't exist.

Exactly...and I don't think I even need to point out how messed up that is. :/ It's like I said, they're not disposable decorations! But so many people think they are. It's awful. Just awful.
China struggle with human rights so these goldfish don't stand a chance.

This is not to justify it but goldfish in China are considered lucky charms. Also in Fengshui an odd number of these fish avert bad luck to the owner, and it is said that when the fish dies, he saved its owner from some bad accident/experience and they need to be replaced immediately...
The exact reason they stopped giving out free/ cheap (prizes) goldfish in plastic bags at show cruel and that is just the tip of the iceberg in the animal cruelty stakes.
i mean, at least feeder fish go quickly without suffering. these fish are starved, suffocated and clostrophobic for days at a time.
Some mop fairs in the UK, still have goldfish as prizes, I try and win as many as I can afford to give them a better life in my pond. I think personally that fish should be added to cruelty cases as are other pets. I also think anything smaller than a 20 litre tank for fish should be banned also.
Some mop fairs in the UK, still have goldfish as prizes, I try and win as many as I can afford to give them a better life in my pond. I think personally that fish should be added to cruelty cases as are other pets. I also think anything smaller than a 20 litre tank for fish should be banned also.

I was quite pleasently suprised to see a sign in my LFS today that said something along the lines of 'we have never, and will never sell bowls, or bi-orbs, and will NOT sell fish to anyone intending to keep them in such"

Very suprising thing to see in a fish shop IMO!

Back on topic tho.. I certainly feel your upset at that picture! :(

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