Thinking Of Upgrading In 6-12 Months

yer i know :blush: well it would be more 5 foot by 50cm by 50cm or something. only if we dont make an up stairs. well here is the plan because we live in a one story house we dont have much space. so we make 2 storys high into a proper house. my room would be the barthroom the barthroom would be were the stairs are. my mum and dads room (its huge it was an old garage) would be my room :hyper: they go up stairs. and i will have the 2nd biggest room in the house. and my sis will have the smallest :lol: atm i have the smallest room :grr: i need a big room more than my sis cus i keep fish. :lol:
well i might get a mix of ocean and base rock and the rest will be live rock.
my dad said that if i moved rooms then i could just set up the big tank then once i do move all of my lives stock can be put in the big tank.
or harry you could try a reef shelf like me but cut to your desired scape
You can add Dead live rock also and this will add to the filtration over time I added some dead plating to mine to reduce the risk of ammonia spikes etc
heres a link
If you are looking at a custom tank I would look at doing 30" from front to back makes a nice area to scape imo then you could get away with a 48 x 30 x 24 582Litres 128 Gallons
i dont think my room is big enough for that but if we do the up stairs then it could be possible. thanks for that morri. my dad said you will have to wait a long time for the tank to be built but i said that is a good thing because i can save or even cycle some live rock in that time. it says 9-12 weeks for the tank to be built. so i can buy the equipment during that time.
Harry its addictive isn;t it I want to upgrade already and may start keeping an eye out on flea bay for second hand marine set ups
Hehe I would recomend getting a sump if you are going bigger keeps the Display Tank nice and Clear the only equipment on show in mine is my Vortech :)
yer i know. my nano was only for a test to see if i can keep up with water chages and get used to equipment. i have always wanted tangs as soon as i started fish keeping. so i now need a big plan :shifty:
well lighting will be LEDs
fish will be kole and regal tang
my stock at the moment
and thats it can you lot suggest some fish?
its going to be at least 500L for the display tank and like 50-100L sump so it could be 600L
also what return pump size would i need?
it will be a reef
something like an ocean runner 6500 maybe. or something a tad bigger. usually you go for around 10x the voulme flowing through the sump per hour. But you will lose some to head loss.
as soon as i saw the price it all most made me :sick: is there any good but a bit cheaper pumps?
also i read somwere that you only need 4-6 time the volume? i gess you are right.

could i get this?
then add my pump that i have at the moment to make it 6500L?
To make the most out of your sump 10x is recommended so you need roughly 5000lph not gunna be cheap you are better sticking to the main manufacturers else you could end up with a very noisey tank I use a Tunze Silence pump but dont think they make anything big enough so its either a Aqua medic Ocean Runner or a Eheim.
i think i will not have a sump. just looked at the power consumption for the 5000L pump its 86watts alone :crazy: and its going to cost loads for the tank setup so it would save me a few bob for live rock and stuff. my dad says dont worry about the watts. and then my dad goes on about his electricity bills oing up :lol: can some one tell me the watts on there deltec mce 600 skimmer? also the noise level would it be ok for a bed room?

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