Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

He seems to be settling well. He swims all around, rests in between the plants and below, tonight I fed him some Wardley pellets seemed he isnt used to eating like this idk what or how he was fed at the shop. I might get some dries bloodworms tomorrow.
Ninjouzata said:
Congratulations! Your betta is beautiful :)
Thank you
I'd recommend getting frozen bloodworms over freeze dried ones, the freeze dried are full of air and can cause bloating. If you have to get the freeze dried definitely soak for a while before feeding them.
Ninjouzata thanks i will for sure keep this in mind. atm i need to fix something with the tanks filter. It seems the pump is pushing too much and sending my betta flying ouch! Not sure how to lower this but thinking maybe using a piece of netting with an elastic band of sorts.
Aw, if that doesn't work perhaps try something like ?  It may not be the best so you could try googling how to baffle filters for bettas to find something you like better
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omega59 said:
Ninjouzata thanks i will for sure keep this in mind. atm i need to fix something with the tanks filter. It seems the pump is pushing too much and sending my betta flying ouch! Not sure how to lower this but thinking maybe using a piece of netting with an elastic band of sorts.
You have the fluval spec v right? Have you seen this?
Male bettas especially appreciate very slow water movement. 
You earned it... Lovely fish.  GREAT coloring.  He doesn't look like a marble to me, so I doubt he'll change to all red... but then again, what I know about bettas is extremely limited, so its not outside the realm of possibility. 
I am extremely happy that you were willing to wait as long as you did.  Your substrate looks plenty deep for plants.  The nice thing about your substrate choice with plants is that the roots should move into it easily, and fishie poo will also move into it and become nice fertilizer for your plants.  You'll get a very nice little ecosystem going there.  Just feed the betta and change the water regularly.  I don't foresee a need for ferts or gravel vaccing.  Just watch out that you don't overfeed.  Limit the bloodworms, and stick to primarily a diet of betta pellets... not too many.
Ninjouzata said:
Aw, if that doesn't work perhaps try something like ?  It may not be the best so you could try googling how to baffle filters for bettas to find something you like better
Ironically, that Betta looks like mines, that's a neat idea though!
gale said:
Ninjouzata thanks i will for sure keep this in mind. atm i need to fix something with the tanks filter. It seems the pump is pushing too much and sending my betta flying ouch! Not sure how to lower this but thinking maybe using a piece of netting with an elastic band of sorts.
You have the fluval spec v right? Have you seen this?
Yes that's what I have. I will read the link thanks!
eaglesaquarium said:
Male bettas especially appreciate very slow water movement. 
You earned it... Lovely fish.  GREAT coloring.  He doesn't look like a marble to me, so I doubt he'll change to all red... but then again, what I know about bettas is extremely limited, so its not outside the realm of possibility. 
I am extremely happy that you were willing to wait as long as you did.  Your substrate looks plenty deep for plants.  The nice thing about your substrate choice with plants is that the roots should move into it easily, and fishie poo will also move into it and become nice fertilizer for your plants.  You'll get a very nice little ecosystem going there.  Just feed the betta and change the water regularly.  I don't foresee a need for ferts or gravel vaccing.  Just watch out that you don't overfeed.  Limit the bloodworms, and stick to primarily a diet of betta pellets... not too many.
I know! It's been so many months since I first began. I just have palettes atm for him, if I feed him it's once a day 3 max. Bloodworms will be a treat.
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I just made adjustments to the filter, i put a few holes in the tubes, and put the settings to lowest as possible. Unfortunately it is still a strong current flowing. I moved the nozzle to hit the glass in the back of the tank but still not good.
Looks really nice.  Piece of advise on that potted plant - you'll want to take your time taking that apart.  There's going to be a lot of plants in that clump and they will grow better if they are spread out a bit.
Okay I will do that . How many hours of Light do they require a day?
6-8 would be fine.  More than that and you might get algae.  (Actually... if your nutrients are out of balance, algae will still find a way.)
That looks absolutely fantastic!  Well done.
Thanks eaglesaquarium I'm not good at aqua scapes. My background is a sheet of white paper.

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