Thinking Of Starting A Tank Again!

Nice plants, though Rotala is more of a high tech set up type of plant.
A tip, generally if leaves are very fine or red leaves, these tend to be high tech or at least needs high light to keep the red colour otherwise will revert to green leaves again.
Rotala Macrandia
The Hygrophila should be fine though could not find Thermis exactly but think it may be Hygrophila difformis as that looks like most what is on your linked pic.
The Seachem stuff should be fine as they are a decent brand for plants, though admittedly I have not used any of those but their root tabs, but have heard good things about flourish.
I wasn't sure what else to get to add some color to the tank, the Rotala is pretty and stood out.. The other plant was on sale $4.99. I need probably another bag of substrate i think and once the tank is ready I will seperate the plants from the pods they came in.
Is it ok to add more substrate, or will it mess things up?
Adding more substrate isn't an issue.
Ok, tomorrow I'm going to buy another bag of the same substrate.
I'm gonna be adding more substrate today, Here are my new test results.
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10


Looks like youre cycled :d
Congrats, was a long journey, but you got there, kudos to your dedication to continue with this fishless cycle
it's about time LMAO!
So i need to do 90% water change?
Can i get my fish?
Perfect, 90% water change and stock immediately :)
Looks a real nice betta, can't wait to see more pics of him out of that bag :snap:
Oh, what a nice looking betta

LOVE the colours

Nice choice. Though admittedly I have no idea what type of betta this is or whether he will turn red.
Maybe an idea to start a new thread asking these questions about your betta, you will undoubtly get some answers from some of the many betta lovers on this forum
Congratulations! Your betta is beautiful :)

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