Heres some tank photos
my mystery crab
Just added another 3kg to my tank taking it to 20kg of LR along with my 4" deep 20 kg sand bed,gonna buy another 6-8 KG of LR next week.
My other Ocellaris died last night which sucks...obviously didnt like the change over much so i'm deffo not gonna add another fish until i add the last to my aquascape.
So now all i have is one tiny Yellow tail blue a freebie mystery crab,2 freebie clams and 9 hermits in my tank! lol (plus my corals)
I'm looking at
Fish Stock
2 x Clowns (possibley Clarkiis or just Ocellaris)
1 x Yellow Tail Blue (already have)
1 x Royal Gramma
1 x Bangaii Cardinal (a big maybe...may get something a bit brighter)
1 x Goby
1 x larger fish,dwarf Angels are nice but i dont want to spend £50 and upwards for a small fish.
1 x Peppermint shrimp (may get a few of these cos they breed well)
1 x cleaner shrimp
1 x fire shrimp
12 x hermit crabs (mixed reds and blues already have 9)
1 x mystery crab (which i am watching very closely)
1 x small star fish (after alot of study! dont know anything about these yet and i dont like brittle stars only the brighter ones)
2 x Turbo snails (already have,may get some more..but is there asy point,i'm not a fan)
1 x Emerald Crab
May one day try a Anenome but more than likely not.
couple of questions...
Since my tank is bigger than your normal nano and is bordering a normal reef tank,if i added a Humbug (which i really like) would i have the mad territory problems you get with nanos with Humbug Damsels?
Would Clarkii clowns be ok in my tank as a tougher alternative to Ocellaris (i'm not interested in Perculas as i think they dont look as nice as Ocellaris and they are weaker fish that all 3 of my local marine selling shops dont stock) (also not a fan of Tomatos,Maroons and Skunks)
Would a Royal Gramma kill a goby? people have said they would.
I scrapped the idea of a pistol shrimp in my plan after i read it will hunt and kill all of my other inverts so instead i'm gonna get a Cleaner Shrimp to go with the fire and Peppermint.