Thinking Of Going From Fresh To Marine

Are the real Dottybacks strawberrys/Grammas to agressive for my Ocellaris?
strawberrys can be fairly aggresive. orchird dottybacks are peaceful.

as far as i know royal grammas should be fine, its false grammas that are the aggresive. they look pretty similiar
I'm not a fan of Blennys cos i prefer big bright whole the yellow gobys etc

Just thought I'd mention about the blennies, midas blennies are awesome. Bright yellow.

Oh wow i take it back..does look kinda similar to a Goby tho.
I saw a little guy similar to this (different colour though) in the lfs today. He was in the corner of a tank in a crater that he'd dug out and was sitting up like an excited puppy spinning around every now and again. He looked sooo funny.
I must find out what he was called... Don't worry, I've no more room for any more fish!
Hehe yeh find out im interested...thats the whole point of Marine aint it..colour and character!

These blennys/mandarins etc are a bit of a nightmare to keep then are they?

Back on that Anenome thing....i saw part of it stick out the LR earlier so i desided to give it a poke with a chopstick :p the bit that i can see is about the size of a 50p soon as i got near it it shot back into the rock...

Now the rock is not very big so i'm starting to think maybe this is some kind of creature :S and not a anemone..unless they do that :S
Yes, they do like a supply of 'pods, especially mandarins and these really aren't recommended for either a nano or a newly set-up tank.

As I said previously my scooter has been as good as gold so far. Just been a month or so, so it's still early days but looking good!
If you mean midas blennies they are easy to feed and mine eats everthing. Scooter blennies are the hard ones.

As for them looking similar to gobies, generally blennies get larger and they swim differently. And different types of blennies or gobies will have different swimming habits. For example, midas blennies will perch on a rock or in a cave with just their head sticking out, but when they see something interesting like food they will come out to check it out. Scooter blennies, from what I've seen, tend to hop around on the sand looking for pods.

CageUK, was it a jawfish?
Come to think of it I did see a price for a jawfish, but there was no picture so it is a distinct possibility!
That Anemome is out properly today it is one of those bad ones it looks just like the pictures.

I might leave it for a while then maybe get a peppermint shrimp or something to kill it.
Hi, If its an Aiptasia then squirt if with joes juice it kills them immediately, or you can mix a bit of Kalkwasser with some water and squirt it with this. Both methods are just as good.
What is Joes Juice or Kalkwasser??

I read about the needle way but i'm not gonna go into a smackhead place to get a needle..its the only place lol!
Its a calcium based solution i think? anyway it does the job on aiptasia. The joes juice method is easier i bought it over the internet and it come with a little shringe (the pippet type not smackhead type :hyper: ). it is quite expensive though around £10 pounds for a little bottle. it will be cheaper in the long run though.
Oh yeah in my earlier post i said that you feather type things were feather dusters, i hold my hands up i was wrong :angry: from the picture thay are zoanthids which in fact are not a coral but type of anemone, they are great to have in the aquarium and good for a beginner. These may have caused your blisters though as they should be handled with gloves. They release some sort of toxin can't remember them name but someone one here will tell you more than i can.
Ah ok mate.

Yeh i did well with these Zoa things there 3 diffrent types in here,theres about 30 red,40 orange,10 yellow and when i turn my blue lights on they all go crazy neon colours!

Ive had my first bit of bad luck today..although water parameters still perfect my smaller clown has a weird white mark on his face...doesent look fungle and looks like the other one has bit his face or something :(

Its were his nostril should be and if i turn the blue lights on it glows up whiter.

Its either from fighting or something came in from my any case i rang up watermarque and they said theres nothing they can do or suggest and i said how about a refund then and i'll buy some live rock..the manager laughed and said how about you shop elsewhere.

No big loss.
I had the same problem with one of my clowns, at first i thought it was some sort of fungal infection and over a couple of weeks it seemed to get worse. It was around the cheek area of the fish, the local fish shop said that these things tend to clear themself up if good water quality is provided and given time it cleared up completely. I put it down to either fighting or catching itself on the live rock.

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