Thinking Of Getting A Betta...


New Member
Nov 20, 2005
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Orkney Isles, Scotland
Hi all. I have a 220 litre coldwater tank set up with my fancies in and after Christmas I am setting up a 50 litre small tropical tank. I'd really like to have a Betta (male) and some cories in. Preferably pygmies if I can get ahold of them but if not probably peppered cories or pandas. I'm a total virgin when it comes to Bettas having never kept one and I'd like to do my research before I make my mind up or get one and do the wrong thing. Basically, what do you think of the proposed set up? I'd like to have real plants. Also, any hints or tips on keeping Bettas? I've read up regarding diet etc but reading is one thing and advice from experienced keepers is another :fun: . Also. what should I look for in a Betta? Are there different kinds of betta apart from the tail types? Etc etc!! Over to you!! :D
Well, there are no diffent Types of Bettas, except there tail which gives them names ( veitail, plakat( the best, in my opinion ) crowntail , half moon , double tail ect..) Bettas like to have a plant in with them, and love to be fed blood worms ( live and frozen ). Although dont just feed them that, they also like brine shrimp and need a balanced diet. I think the cory's are ok , i have a betta in my community with 2 Albino corys and they get along fine.

I am not the best betta keeper on here, many ppl , like synirr, supersizone ect, are very experienced with bettas and im sure they could tell you an indepth version of keeping bettas.

~ Lovely Little Fishies ~
I would reccommend a 2.5 gallon tank instead with some fake or real plants and no other fish besides the betta. Here a few links that should help you
Credit to these links goes to Faith the owner of this site

I know this is alot of links but it will be worth it to you and your betta if you read them. Good luck and don't forget to post pics once you get one. ;)
Why a 2.5 gal Durbkat? 50 liters sounds better to me.
Especially male bettas prefer warm (26-28 celcius) and still water and lots of plants. Try to pick a non-aggressive male that won't pick on the corys. Corydoras pygmaeus would be an ideal tankmate, as it isn't sensitive to too warm water(as peppered corys are). Fine sand is the preferable substrate material for corydoras.

ps. nice that you asked for advice first, too many people don't :D
Well, there are no diffent Types of Bettas...
Oh no? ;)
Betta Species

There are actually many different species of betta, but lovely is right in that the only ones you're likely to see at a pet or fish shop are Betta splendens. However, if you are interested in wild species they can be ordered online and I believe most of the smaller ones can be kept comfortably as a pair in the tank setup you're thinking of; I've got a pair of albimarginata and had a pair of imbellis in 10 gallons :)

The majority of male bettas I've encountered are fine with cories, though sometimes really aggressive males dislike them for whatever reason, so just watch them and make sure your betta is fine with them when you get him. Durbkat, 50 liters is about 13 US gallons, which would be perfect for a betta and cories... there's absolutely no reason to suggest downgrading a betta to a smaller tank in this case.
Why a 2.5 gal Durbkat? 50 liters sounds better to me.
Especially male bettas prefer warm (26-28 celcius) and still water and lots of plants. Try to pick a non-aggressive male that won't pick on the corys. Corydoras pygmaeus would be an ideal tankmate, as it isn't sensitive to too warm water(as peppered corys are). Fine sand is the preferable substrate material for corydoras.

ps. nice that you asked for advice first, too many people don't :D
Oh sorry. Well how many gallons is 50 liters?
Well, Synirr already said it, I was just being more exact.
Durbkat, 50 liters is about 13 US gallons, which would be perfect for a betta and cories...
With that size a tank, you can really enjoy your betta setup. I like Synirr's idea about a different betta species. I adore my betta imbellis in my 15g, they have so much personality.
With that size a tank, you can really enjoy your betta setup. I like Synirr's idea about a different betta species. I adore my betta imbellis in my 15g, they have so much personality.

Thanks for all the advice. I'm planning on sand substrate with real plants (gulp! a first for me!) with some, ideally, pygmy cories, maybe have a re-think on the peppered as a back up though as I've realised they prefer cooler water. I'm also going to have a few African Dwarf Frogs and i've read that Bettas are ideal tank mates for them so altogether very excited now! Just need to wait til after Christmas now as I'm getting the tank hood and lights etc for Christmas. i've got the filter up and running in my main tank though so i'll be ready to go asap! Thank you so much for all the advice, much appreciated! :D
I would reccommend a 2.5 gallon tank instead with some fake or real plants and no other fish besides the betta. Here a few links that should help you
Credit to these links goes to Faith the owner of this site

I know this is alot of links but it will be worth it to you and your betta if you read them. Good luck and don't forget to post pics once you get one. ;)
Were any of these links helpful?
Well I have some advice. Keep the water temp. warm of course. If you are thinking of getting other fish to go with it be careful. Watch how they react to each other first. Don't get any rosy barbs, or the rosy barb will nip the betta. (Bettas like to bully smaller fish that look liek the betta or have wavy fins) What are you planning to feed the betta by the way? (They like bloodworms). :)

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