Thinking Of Corys..


If you're a cory and you know it clap your.. hands
Nov 13, 2005
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Hi guys!
I was thinking of purchasing some corydoras catfish for my 45gal :)
The dimensions are: 110cm x 39cm x 43cm (l,w,h)
The PH of the water is 7.8
The temperature is 79F

How many corydoras would you recommend? - the more the better as I'd love to see them shoal naturally
Also, which (more commonly available) types would you recommend?

The tankmates are: 2-6 Bosemani Rainbowfish, 6-12 Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish, 1 Angelfish, 1 RTBS

:good: thanks!

P.S - the substrate is sand! :)
Because the temperature is a little high for many Corys, I would recommend C. sterbai or C. aeneus. Also a minumum of 6 is what I always try to get, but the more the merrier. Both C. sterbai and C. aeneus are a hardy species.

The ph is also on the high side. So again a hardy species will be best.
I have almost the same pH and temperature in a 40 gallon "breeder" tank that has 6 corydoras paleatus in it. They are often called peppered cories. They are doing just fine at that temperature and pH. I keep the tank that warm because I have a betta in there but I also have a few platies and everyone seems quite happy.
Temperature can always be reduced.
What temperature would be ideal? and I will set it to that temp. :)
Ideally peppers like it 59 -77 degrees with ph 6- 7.5, the high and low ends are the extremes not the comfort zones. The high temps could stress them and cause them to spend more energy staying cool thereby shortening their lives. In ideal conditions Corys have been known to live in excess of twenty years. Less than ideal conditions shorten fishy lives in any species.

C.sterbai are a Cory that like high temps,75-82 degrees with 7.6 ph--so 7.8 is not stretching it much. C. aeneus/bronze like 70 - 81 with 6.5 to 7.5 ph

A hard to get Cory C. suessi like 72-79 with a ph 6-8, C. Weitzmanni are similar as are C. gossei.

Don't do peppers. the others I have listed here should do ok. But the sterbai are a colorful spotted fish with orangy pectorals and lots of energy. The gossei are also colorful, but harder to obtain and I am not sure about the tolerance for other fish. Any of the ones I have recommended would be suitable for your tank conditions. I am not sure how all of them would do with the angel. Bronze and sterbai are often recommended by angel keepers.

These are btw conditions recommended for fish from the wild and generally for the species, but fish bred and raised in aquariums are adjusted to those environments--so nothing is set in stone. The fish you get from your lps, who knows what they like? But if you get fish that have been a few weeks in the store, they should do well in conditions similar to the store's. Mostly these are general guidlines.
Thanks for the advice!
I'll avoid peppered corys :)
If you breed your own, like Tolak does, the ones that hatch and survive in your water conditions will be the ones that are acclimated to your water conditions. C. sterbai and C. aeneus are fish that generally breed in home aquariums w/o much prodding. C. aeneus always breed! They are the rabbits of the Cory world.
If you breed your own, like Tolak does, the ones that hatch and survive in your water conditions will be the ones that are acclimated to your water conditions. C. sterbai and C. aeneus are fish that generally breed in home aquariums w/o much prodding. C. aeneus always breed! They are the rabbits of the Cory world.

Thanks! :good:
I was looking for something more, you know, unique?
Like the corys that have black spots and lines on them :)
They're lovely to look at :)
Bearing in mind the number of and sizes of tankmates, how many corys do you think I could have? I was thinking around 10 :)
Like schwartzi? or like weitzmanni?



There are several species that are like the schwartzi. It is a matter of going through the cateloge and finding the one that fits your requiements--and then finding it. The so called Super Schwartzi (CW023) is a really handsome fish. But there are no keepers records. So I always keep those in the mid ranges.

You might be better off checking in with Lee Fearnley/Spooky or one of the biggys--Trimar and having some purchased for you.

I have no idea of the requirements of the other fish, so I can't speak to how many you can put in. Is that a shark in there? You will need to keep a close eye on this mix. Corys are shy fish and defenseless. They can be easily frightened and intimidated. They also do not understand territories. Synos are very good with that.
When the shark was a juvie I had a number of Albino C. Aenus with her, and they were fine.
Unfortunately these corys have passed away due to a mishap with water quality.
But yeah, the shark generally tends to go for the rainbows and tetras etc. (middle dwellers)
He's always ignored synos, plecos and a birchir (bottom dwellers) and my angelfish (top dweller)
So I would be led to beleive he would be okay with corys.

Could the be kept in an unheated aquarium?
I have one containing three juvenile goldfish and five applesnails.
I was thinking of rehoming them in there if any fish takes a dislike to them.

P.S - schwartzi look lovely, their the kind I like!

Like schwartzi? or like weitzmanni?



There are several species that are like the schwartzi. It is a matter of going through the cateloge and finding the one that fits your requiements--and then finding it. The so called Super Schwartzi (CW023) is a really handsome fish. But there are no keepers records. So I always keep those in the mid ranges.

You might be better off checking in with Lee Fearnley/Spooky or one of the biggys--Trimar and having some purchased for you.

I have no idea of the requirements of the other fish, so I can't speak to how many you can put in. Is that a shark in there? You will need to keep a close eye on this mix. Corys are shy fish and defenseless. They can be easily frightened and intimidated. They also do not understand territories. Synos are very good with that.
Aw whats wrong with the Peppers Sue?

Mine are in breeding action as I write this!!

Ok not the most beautiful of the Cory world, but I reckon one of the best for a beginner.
Gazo, I love my peppers more than I can say. They are one of my favorites. A hardy and lovely Corydoras. But the upper 70's with that ph just is not a good match. They may appear to do well, but as we all have eard fish that are not kept en there optimum conditions don't live as long. The ank is not a good match. Angels require a higher temp and the peppers will appear fine, but it could be shortening their lives.

The peppers might like your goldfish tank! LOL It's an option you could try . Better than being nipped.

I really don't know which one to recommend of the punctatus group (Swchartzi), But you can troll through the PkanetCatfish catelog and see if you find one you like that fits the tank and then order it. Or just get one at the lps that you like and give it a go. I keep all unknows in the mid 70's. They may have to acclimate for awhile--weeks--to the ph if it is uncommon in your area. It takes a long time for a fish to reacclimate to a new permanent baseline.

Most Corys will do ok at 75/77. But peppers and pandas may burn out.

If you keep asking me questions, I will confuse the heck out of you. LOL
You go on the confusing Sue, we are all here to learn from those who have more experience than ourselves.

Sue it's so funny you've mentioned Angels cos I picked up 24 lovely young ones today for the pricely sum of just £10!!! And I've had to put them in with my peppers and raise the temperature, so am fully expecting the breeding to stop until i can move the Corys to their new home in a week or so!! If only I was better prepared, but sometimes these spontaneous purchase decisions catch us out hehe :lol:

I'm off to edit my signature now and add my new tanks that have finally cycled and had the guppy treatment for a few weeks!!
I may well get some peppers for my goldie tank.
I will be heating it soon, when the weather gets better and my goldies can go in the pond :D
I'll be sure to keep it lower, like low 70s yeah?

I'll be on the prowl for some schwarzi in the mean time for my 45gal :)
Can you mix varieties? Like, a few C. Aenus and a few C. schwarzi?

I'm thankful for all this help Sue, I'm sure it will come in very useful! :)

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