
I think i will stick with the official stuff that was made for the brand.
Brought up the conversation with my mum on the way home

Good news!!! She seems fine with it! She said that yeah of course it was ok and that it was my money so i can choose how to spend it! Then she asked me how much it would cost and i said about £150 for the equipment alone, she said - oh that isnt that much

lool, anyway, this project is now full steam ahead

CANT WAIT!!! Also - she asked where the current fish would go, and i told her all the options... and then she suggested getting a smaller tank for them, apparantly my room is like a LFS anyway
OKAY, now full steam ahead guys
Thanks again for all of your help
P.S Seffie, i measured the legnth of the unit, and got 69cm so i think its the 70cm one