OK, now i need the biggest lot of advice of all
How to broach the subject of me changing the tank to saltwater
With offers of refractometers and stuff, and bargains i should really tell them tonight, but how???!!! XD
The biggest problem with this is the fact i have recently spent quite a lot setting it up as planted, so parents might not be so accepting!!!
Any ideas on approaching the subject?
My best one so far is
'This is my treat to myself for doing well in the exams''
followed by:
Then hopefully:
Then when i get back on TFF
Flick through lots of fishy and coral pics while they're near by...eventually one will utter the immortal line...."ooo isn't that lovely..can you put those in your tank???"....
haha, have been doing! XD Showed them the two page spread of that guys HUUUGE reef tank in PFK. Dad just said, 'Crakin' (in a scottish accent) lol
I think they know i have had my tropical setup for four years... They have passed me on TFF as well so i think they know. Also they got annoyed with me bieng on the laptop and they went, 'what are you writing anyway?' so i just told them i was 'pricing' marine stuff... hehehe, so i have planted the seed, just need to let the information loose. Normally there is nothing to worry about anyway, they usually resign to the 'its your money anyway' ploy! xD
Well, will broach the subject when my parents come home again tonight - fingers crossed!
Now... lets discuss stocking
Some fish that are definetly on my list are
A Pair of clowns
A Mandarin Dragonet
Asterina They are beautiful - hopefully i will get some hitchhiking
+ What do you think
Also, thinking in advance for the mandarin, can i start up a pod population in the tank months before i add the mandy? Meaning, can i add a population, which with nothing predating it will grow and grow so that the tank will be ready for the mandy in a couple of months time? Or do i have to keep the population going seperatley as corals will eat them?
Some corals on my list are:
Sun Coral
Torch Coral
Hamer Coral
+ Any other nice looking corals that are easy for a begginer. The look im wanting is movement and colour.
Shopping list updated! Sorted
1 X Refractometer £17
Total : £17
1 X Heater
2 X Koralia 1's
1 X Boyu Skimmer
1 Juwel IBar light Unit
2 X Marine Bulbs (Possibly Hi-Lights)
1 X Blue LED strip
1 X Salt (Reccomendations?)
1 X Salifert Marine Test Kit
Yeah i know, i would rather buy from you, will let others judge whether its right or not, as my tank is 125 litres rather than 100 so... dunno
am interested though!
Been running a boyu from day one here with great results mate...no need to run an air pump with these powered skimmers and no chance of back syphoning into pump if power cuts off...never mind salt creep down the airline