Thinking about Saltwater...

Um... this will kick out 174 gallons but your tanks is 29 gallons. you need a minimum of 290 gallons per hour turnover or corals will clog up and when this happens they can suffocate themselves or starve to death.
The 402 or even better the 802 is a far better option for the tank.
Allright, I'll make sure to get the 402 or 802 (most likely the 802).

This is my setup thus far. Please tell me if I'm missing something.

-29 gallon tank
-Hood with lighting fixture with Coral Life saltwater bulb
-Crushed coral substrate
-Live rock (29lbs)
-Power head (model 402 shown above)
-Protein skimmer (not sure on the model yet)
-RO unit (not sure on the model yet)

EDIT:I have a question though. Do I need any other forms of filtration here, besides some hermits and shrimp or snails? (powerfilter, etc.)
I'm also still confused on how you hook up that RO unit I had a link to earlier.
My water is pretty good, as I have said. I think what I will do is get that Tap Water filter mentioned before, just to clean the water of contaminents (if there are any). Other than that, I will get a good skimmer and a good powerhead. I will consider a R/O unit in the future, but right now. I'm not sure if I can afford one. I will most likely buy R/O water from a LFS to start up my tank with. Here's my plan:
(equiptment is stated before this)

1-Buy my hardware. (powerhead, skimmer, water purifier, lighting, R/O unit in the future)

2-Buy my tank and substrate. (crushed coral, maybe some nice sand, 29 gallon glass tank)

3-Put in R/O water from LFS. (get P.h. right and SG right)

4-Add some live rock. (continue with this up to 29lbs of it)

5-Make sure everything is allright in the tank. (P.h. , SG, Ammonia, Nitrites, nitrates)

6-Add some inverts. (Hertmits, maybe some shrimp)

7-Add some small corals. (MAYBE, I will have high lighting for this tank)

8-Add some fish. (MAYBE, not sure if I'm going to add fish to this tank, being my first saltwater set-up. If I get fish it will be a gobie or clowns)

Sound good? All of this will be over a year or so of time. I will have the tank running by late December. Anything I should add/change? This will be my plan for my tank so, all help is needed. thanks for all the help to everyone who posted here. :)
i would not add the live rock a bit at a time if there is no livestock in there to keep the bacteria fed. If the tank is going to sit empty of livestock, be it fish or inverts theni would asve up and get the live rock in 1 go. then there will be no cycle once added and fish/inverts can be added almost immediately.
Allright then. I will get a load of cash ready for when I'm all set for the rock, to buy it all at once. By the way, are there an corals or anemone that I could put in here?

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