My water is pretty good, as I have said. I think what I will do is get that Tap Water filter mentioned before, just to clean the water of contaminents (if there are any). Other than that, I will get a good skimmer and a good powerhead. I will consider a R/O unit in the future, but right now. I'm not sure if I can afford one. I will most likely buy R/O water from a LFS to start up my tank with. Here's my plan:
(equiptment is stated before this)
1-Buy my hardware. (powerhead, skimmer, water purifier, lighting, R/O unit in the future)
2-Buy my tank and substrate. (crushed coral, maybe some nice sand, 29 gallon glass tank)
3-Put in R/O water from LFS. (get P.h. right and SG right)
4-Add some live rock. (continue with this up to 29lbs of it)
5-Make sure everything is allright in the tank. (P.h. , SG, Ammonia, Nitrites, nitrates)
6-Add some inverts. (Hertmits, maybe some shrimp)
7-Add some small corals. (MAYBE, I will have high lighting for this tank)
8-Add some fish. (MAYBE, not sure if I'm going to add fish to this tank, being my first saltwater set-up. If I get fish it will be a gobie or clowns)
Sound good? All of this will be over a year or so of time. I will have the tank running by late December. Anything I should add/change? This will be my plan for my tank so, all help is needed. thanks for all the help to everyone who posted here.