Thinking About A Second Bristlenose


Fish Addict
Jan 18, 2007
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I bought a brown bristlenose last weekend who's about 2-3cm long. I'm wanting to go back this weekend and get one of the golden long-finned ones, but they were much bigger (about adult size, i think)..

If I were to get the golden one, would it bully the smaller brown bn? Also, I don't know what sex the young one is so would it be best to buy a male or female golden or does it not matter? Would it be better to buy another young brown one instead?

thanks for any help.
One other question (as if I havent asked enough already!) - would my current bristlenose be okay with a King Tiger Plec (L066).. again, bigger than my bn?
Well, what is the size of your tank and what other inhabitants are in it -- this info will help us, help you! Is it the 34 in your profile or did you get a new one??
*EDIT* Is it planted? Is there driftwood in it?
Yeah, sorry, it's the 34gal in my profile. I have 1 gourami, 15 neons, 6 corys and my little bristlenose. Two corys are going back to the shop this weekend and am thinking about using the credit from that towards a new plec.

I'm getting a new tank in the next few weeks, which will be a similar size or larger. I'll be splitting my current fish between the two and adding a few more to go with them.

It's well planted and has a decent sized piece of driftwood in. I can always get more if it's needed.
Ok, thanks that helps! I looove the L66 - one of my faves, they should do okay with each other, just watch for agression, and there is a possibility the bigger will pick on the smaller. assuming you have lots of caves/hide outs this should be okay. Same goes for 2 BN - males are known to fight more often so, i'd go with 2 females or a male and a female.
You may want to try and get some slate caves or make some rock caves as both plecs like to "hide out". But, I would give it a try regardless of the size. Just keep an eye on things and maybe wait until your new tank is up and running so you have a back up tank in case of aggression.
If it really worries you, then just get a BN of the same size. 2 young BN's wont fight over territory yet. Good luck!
A King Tiger would be fine with a BN. I have one of each in my tank and they both live together under a piece of planted bogwood. :good:

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