Thinkin of new fish

spAcE mOnkEy

Fish Addict
May 12, 2004
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i have been researchin some fish for a while and i just wanted 2 know if the fish i was planning on would be ok for my regular 30gal tank (look in signature). the ph is around 7.0 and it is slightly brackish. i need to add a pleco and i was thinking about adding an archer fish( the ones that spit water to get bugs). so can you please tell me if it would be over crowded and if i should not get that type of fish. i have researched it alot and the archer should go ok with the puffer. i need to test my water a bit more but if any1 has some advice, please suggest it.
spAcE m.
I think you need to consider if the original set up is really ideal.
The senegalis can grow upto 20" and is not a brackish water fish.
The figure 8`s will be prey to most things and the biggest tank you own will soon be far too small for the fish which are in it.
Try looking on aquaria central to get more info. on the fish you own.
yes i do know how big irridescent sharks get,
but i got them when i first started keeping fish and i didnt know anything about them or any of the other fish i got. the when i realized how big they got, i got a 55 gallon for the fish that had to be in a large tank. even that tank is way to small and i am thinking about getting a pond but that would be in a couple years. most of the fish that get large that i had were in a small tank so they already finished growing, the irredecent sharks i know get to be huge and i think the pet store should warn a person about them when they are a bigginer. my figure 8 is much smaller than the senegalis but he wont eat live food and my puffer picks on him a bit. i am going to try to get a 29 gallon instead of the 30 gal tall and put the puffer in there with an archer fish and make it brackish water. most fish can live with a little bit of aquarium salt in the tank and im not aware if the senegalis should not have any salt in the tank. my senegalis is only 7 in now and i did research on them and thought they only grew to a foot, now i will eventually put him in the 55 when the other fish move out.
thanks for the help
An Archer will be to big and should be kept in groups and Plecs should not be kept in water with a salt content full stop. So you are left with a Brakish Puffer species (small) and maybe a species of Gobies like Bumblebee Gobie.
Yeah archers are brackish. Space monkey, you can't keep plecos in any kind of saltwater and I don't think a 30 gallon is enough room for archers.
yea and senegalus bichir only get to 12inch and can live ina 30 gal, i have 1
ok thanks, i dont think i would be doing that thing with the archer anyway, i thought plecos could live with salt but now i know they cant. so im going to keep the bicher in the 30 gal tank with a pleco and a spotted rapheal. i will probably move the krib because when the bicher gets bigger he will eat him. i did this post with little knowlegde of the archer fish.
thanks for preventin me from making a big mistake, the 30 gal isnt really brackish just a very small amount of aquarium salt from a while ago.

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