Think My Corys Have A Diease Pics


Fish Herder
Oct 31, 2005
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have now lost 2 serbai and 1 skunk 1 serbai is currently in my hospital tank as looks like its dieing
see how the back end is red
ive also lost 2 bn
so not happy
just cleaned all my filter out
and done the gravel


Sorry to hear you've lost your fish. i'm afraid i can't really help with the cory disease,maybe bacterial infection? they might be able to help more on the emergency section,hope the cory pulls through.
Hi beechey,

It looks like hemorrhagic septicemia, which can be the result of a bacterial infection. Cleaning the tank and doing a big water change is a good first step. It might also help if you add an airstone to increase the oxygen level of the water and lower the temperature to around 75 F. This will slow the reproduction of the bacteria. If you were in the US I would suggest using an antibiotic, but since you are in the UK, you will need to look for whatever product is available to treat bacterial infections.

Most importantly, try to find the cause of the problem and remove it. Since you've recently added new fish to your tank, there is always the possibility that they were infected when you bought them. Another possibility is that food became lodged between the pieces of the coarse gravel of your substrate. This is an ideal breeding ground for harmful bacteria and the reason why sand or fine gravel is usually recommended for cory tanks.

Is the pH stable? The tank cycled with 0 ammonia and nitrite, and low nitrate? Are there any more aggressive fish in the tank with them? These are all possible reasons that corys can become ill and should be addressed if necessary.

Good luck with them. I hope they can be cured.
theres 3 things i think it could be
i have 3 clowns all about 6 maybe 7 " and i removed there home for a few days as it was turning greeny colour
so they have been active a lot more
i did buy 3 skunk corys maybe infected as never bought from this lfs before ( 1 has died)
i got some plants and live food from GILL on here maybe they were infected

my filter was very dirty

so i might worm and add salt tomorrow

lower the temp?

ive added the clowns house back,
Hi beechey :)

I would do as Coryologist said. Melafix is a mild antibacterial and can help, but you will need to increase the oxygen level in the water too.

i have 3 clowns all about 6 maybe 7 " and i removed there home for a few days as it was turning greeny colour

If the green is the result of algae, no problem. If you suspect it had something to do with dyes or glazes, take it out again. I've never kept clown loaches because I felt they might be too active with corys in the tank. They might have stressed them too much.

i did buy 3 skunk corys maybe infected as never bought from this lfs before ( 1 has died)

Always quarantine new fish. This is important. You never know what a new fish might be bringing in, especially if it is a wild caught one that has passed through many hands in the process of getting to your home. Also, remember that I told you they do best in a cooler tank?

i got some plants and live food from GILL on here maybe they were infected

Probably not the problem unless it was tubifex worms.

my filter was very dirty

Probably not the problem unless it was so clogged that it slowed the flow and resulted in less water movement at the surface. This could have reduced the oxygen content in the water which would have made the tank more hospitable to the bacteria.

so i might worm and add salt tomorrow

Unless you are sure that your fish are infested with worms, don't do it. Make no mistake that they are very sick and need to be treated for the septicemia first. Wormers are poison and with your fish in the weakened state they are in, such treatment will be very hard on them.

lower the temp?

At a high temperature the bacteria breed more quickly. Don't lower it to the point where it harms any of the fish in the tank, of course.
i dunno what the live food was look like little spaceships lol

every one in the tank seems happy in the tank at the mo

water is spot on discus are laying eggs as im typeing

what melafix and where do i get it?
The food from Gill was most prob DAPHNIA

I had a group of corys with septicemia - developed after having them in quarentine for 4 days
i cant use Melafix as i have shrimps living in the quarentine tank - little left overs lol

I ended up treating them with MYAXZIN - 5 day course - lost 1 fish - now are in fish tank nice and healthy

Are you adding salt in the tank with corys and plecs? which sort of salt as some plecs dont get on with salt at all
cory all seem fine at the mo

i add salt like epson salt carnt remember the proper name only add it once or twice a month or when i worm them

think is was daphina ..
keep watching them for any patches of redness cos septicemia can kill them very quickly
no dead cory so far today hopefully its cleared
That's good to hear. Do your corys eat the daphnia?

Do watch the amount of salt the corys are exposed to. Salt is an excellent medicine for certain problems but it's hard on their kidneys and livers. They do not have salt in their natural habitats and have a difficult time removing it from their systems. While the trouble it causes might not be evident immediately, it could result in them having a shortened lifespan.
im not adding anything now
just gonna see whaqt happens i have 3 serbai left , but 1 has the signs again and 2 skunks left
just gonna stick to my discus if they die they die, think i need to get rid of my small pea gravel and change to sand if i get another batch of corys
i think you should at least try and treat them if they are showing signs of the internal bacteria again

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