Things I Love About Tropical Fish Keeping


New Member
Apr 11, 2006
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Falkirk, Polmont
:blush: How beautifull my fish look and the way that they move in their tank, the way they calm me on a bad day and the way they make me feel when i have found a cool new buddy for them!

Does everyone feel the same as me?
Yeah, i love the feeling of accomplishment, and the beauty of nature. I also really enjoy reading about fish and improving my knowledge of nature
i quite like the scientific side to getting their "home" just right for them Its not the same as "chuck in some chopped cardboard and give them some food once a day (in a bowl, doesnt matter if they eat it or not in 2 minutes) and a water bottle that the rats require.

but then again, i can pet the rats.
:-/ yep quays nature is really beautifull and isnt it fantastic we can bring a little into our homes!
LOL i know the feeling on that one

me mum is wanting me to set up a small tank for her when i get my own place (woo viewing another place today) and take my fish with me - shes taken to staring at them in the middle of the night when she wakes up and cant get back to sleep.
i quite like the scientific side to getting their "home" just right for them Its not the same as "chuck in some chopped cardboard and give them some food once a day (in a bowl, doesnt matter if they eat it or not in 2 minutes) and a water bottle that the rats require.

but then again, i can pet the rats.

get an oscar, or other large cichlid, they are like big cuddly pets!!
urm yeah, ive stuck my hand in an adult male cichlid tank before, you still cant pet them!!

i can sit n stroke the rat as it watches tv with us on me shoulder.
Oh DJ leaving home is terrible, you get all of your own BIlls need to do all of your own cleaning and stuff! cant your mum keep you for longer? I left home at 19 and wow it was one big culture shock!! luckily my friends took it upon themselves to help me discover the kitchen stuff :/ eg what a kettle was for and how to cook mince. Honest i didnt have a clue but good luck and hope you enjoy the freedom of independent living.

For me cichlids = fire mouths (eat everything)
dont know much about oscars though :/
Im lucky, i have my tank in my room all too myself. so i can watch it all day without having people thinking im a weirdo! lol
Yeah that is something i love about keeping my tank! it is the way i want it. I get to sort out all the problems etc myself and you get to know cool people as well through forums such as this and to top it all of WOW the fish!!!just make it all worth while, the worry are we doing it right, will they work together etc.... not always easy choices ;-)
oh they certainly can keep me for longer, but i need to move out before i commit murder. i have worked out a full budget that isnt great (it leaves me about £30 a month all to myself for anything i want) but will suffice untill the other halfs lease ends and she moves in too.

oh and iim actually a good chef and the cadets taught me all about ironing (me mum refused to put those creases in for me)
I heard about some study that was sent out to schools. They told the schools that they should get a fish tank and put it at the back of the classroom. When a kid misbehaves or acts out to make them sit at the back of the class and watch the fish. Watching fish is suppose to have a calming effect if you just sit and watch them. It actually does something in your brain that causes you to calm down.

food for though.

I love watching my fish too. :)

I really like watching my fish too!

In my classroom we have a fish tank in there and I can't stop looking at it. One time my teacher was blabbling on about something or other and I was staring at these fish. She turned around and asked me a question about what she had just said! I didn't know what to say!
:blush: so I just asked her what fish are in her fish tank and she told me. She forgot all about me or the question! I was so relieved! 3 beunosairies tetra and 1 male swordtail!

Sorry about the epic novel! :lol:


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