They Did It All By Themselves!


Fish Herder
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
west lothian, scotland
ive been atempting to spawn a pair of PK for the past few days now and its been fruitless. the female looks like a little brown tiger with her stripes but she just dont seem all that interested. i was gona put them together today for one last atempt but when i woke thismorning, there they were wraping and spawning, the girl had squeezed past a gap at the side of the divider and went to spawn. i left them to it and then came back an hour later to check on them. the girl was done, and she had sqeezed her way back to the other side and left the male to his charges! whoever said betta breeding was difficult :good:
ive been atempting to spawn a pair of PK for the past few days now and its been fruitless. the female looks like a little brown tiger with her stripes but she just dont seem all that interested. i was gona put them together today for one last atempt but when i woke thismorning, there they were wraping and spawning, the girl had squeezed past a gap at the side of the divider and went to spawn. i left them to it and then came back an hour later to check on them. the girl was done, and she had sqeezed her way back to the other side and left the male to his charges! whoever said betta breeding was difficult :good:

oh how cute, that's a lovely little story, good luck with the babies!xx
i tried to uplaod a video of them spawning but no joy heres a couple of old pics of the psr. the male has become alot more blue now and very dark. the female is a chocolate brown with black lacing and blue fins


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i dont want to ruin your fun, but just realize that it could have went the other way also. you need to make sure that there is no way for them to get to each other if your not there. he could have killed her just as easy. just realize that you got luckey.

but congrads on the spawn. how many you got?
i dont want to ruin your fun, but just realize that it could have went the other way also. you need to make sure that there is no way for them to get to each other if your not there. he could have killed her just as easy. just realize that you got luckey. but congrads on the spawn. how many you got?
i do realize this. the divider is a bit ill fiting but id plugged up the gaps with java moss, but she had decided its time to spawn so she must have pushed it out. im glad she didnt get stuck more than anything. its not a big spawn and they are sctered all over the tank now, i have some plants on the tank so i gess a few are hiding in there, but at a glance i think there are a few dozen, munching away on microworms!
baby pics baby pics!!! :hyper:
hehe, my cam isnt good enough to take good pics at this stage but il try soon

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