These Babies Are Hard To Keep Alive!


Fish Crazy
Mar 22, 2007
Reaction score
Hampshire, Uk
As the title says really I’m struggling to keep these babies alive........

Had around 80 eggs, hatched a good 30-35 but now only 5 remain alive.

My first batched produced about 7 babies of which only one has survived and is now in my tank upstairs growing daily. He is the smartest looking fish ever, I love baby Corys!!!

My latest batch is not looking good, I’ve been feeding liquifry 2 and 3, 1 is in the post and should arrive 2mo. I've given them crushed flake too. They were in a fabric hatchery but as the last batch had terrible survival rates I moved the new babies to a plastic hatchery. Sadly some escaped only to be munched on the trip to the bottom :(

I've now brought a 48 ltr tank off eBay and I’m going to try putting the babies in there the day they are born, they will have the tank all to themselves.

I've had to clean the tank up and as such the silicon is drying now, should be ready late tomorrow.

Argos play sand waiting along with filter (mature) and heater........

Any ideas or suggestions how to keep them alive?
As the title says really I’m struggling to keep these babies alive........

Had around 80 eggs, hatched a good 30-35 but now only 5 remain alive.

My first batched produced about 7 babies of which only one has survived and is now in my tank upstairs growing daily. He is the smartest looking fish ever, I love baby Corys!!!

My latest batch is not looking good, I’ve been feeding liquifry 2 and 3, 1 is in the post and should arrive 2mo. I've given them crushed flake too. They were in a fabric hatchery but as the last batch had terrible survival rates I moved the new babies to a plastic hatchery. Sadly some escaped only to be munched on the trip to the bottom :(

I've now brought a 48 ltr tank off eBay and I’m going to try putting the babies in there the day they are born, they will have the tank all to themselves.

I've had to clean the tank up and as such the silicon is drying now, should be ready late tomorrow.

Argos play sand waiting along with filter (mature) and heater........

Any ideas or suggestions how to keep them alive?

i feed mine mircowrom and decap brine shrimp from around 48 hrs of hatching how often was u changing the water in the plastic container ? i presume the container was floating the main tank they were laid
Hi Tacklebury :)

Plenty of nutritious food and lots of clean water are the keys to success in raising Cory fry. Daily partial water changes are very important since they will eliminate uneaten food that will breed harmful bacteria on the bottom of the tank.

I'm not happy with Liquefy because it spoils quickly. I find that microworms, which will live a day or so in the water, a better early food. They are also easy to remove. As soon as they are big enough to eat it, add flake, Hikari bottom feeder wafers, or similar balanced food. Once they can eat chopped black worms or bloodworms they will really start to grow.

I think you'll do well raising them in your new tank. The extra room will make a big difference for them. :D
Thanks for the replies.

Honestly i'm not doing daily water changes, by this i guess you mean the entire tank? Sadly now only two survive, i think the others escaped from the plastic hatchery last night. I found one in the fabric hatchery so moved them into that.

Sounds like i need to get this tank up and running! I'm polishing the inside as i type!

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