These are the best fish no arguments

interested said:
I'm just starting a tank,everytime i think of what fish to start with someone puts me off -_-
Dont let other people put you off just because they say they dont like it... :thumbs:

Guppies are easy to look after...get along well with most things...and they dont get big at all...but they breed like Mad :crazy:
So I'd start of with 2 and end up with 2000 :/

Get them on the pill lol :thumbs:

Looks like I'll have to read up some more on fish,when people say they are agressive or temperamental,hard to look after it does turn you of abit.

Our pond fish are easy to look after :p
Thanx Devil :thumbs:
some kind of cheesy cichlids, lol.
well i still dont get this but im going to say what i think about these fish anyways, because just him saying how he feels and not wanting responces is a really boring post

Beautiful fish. One of the easiest to take care of. If you only have a few you can get attached to them easily because theyre such great fish. To bad males cant stay together or id have a tank full of them.

never actually had one, but they are very pretty. But no way can you compare them to cories because theyre completly diffrent kinds of fish

Discusting fish. Get huge. Do nothing. And they kill other smaller fish. Cories would never do that.

Horrible as well. Evil little fish. Only like 2 out of a whole tank are nice at lfs'. Platties and Guppies are way better IMO. And definetly more colorful. Mollies have three colors, white, black, orange. Very boring.

Very nice and cute as babies. Get big though so people with small tanks cant have them. Veil tales get picked on though by some other fish because of there tails. I still like them though. Great fish if you have the room for them.

well thats what I have to say about that lot.
Bettas: Great fish! They have wonderful personalities and beautiful coloring. Females are just as charming (if not moreso) than the males.

Angelfish: Hands down--the best fishies on the planet!!!! :p :D :p :D
Only ones I agree with, bettas and plecos. Mollies, wayyyy too boring, angelfish, average, dwarf gouramis, from what I keep hearing they get sick a lot.

I like Gudgeons, knife fish, ropefish, butterfly fish, most NW cichlids, most catfish, and any other wierd FW fish that stays under 14 inches.

WRS: What are you talking about? Plecos don't kill fish :crazy:
yeah they do, the like small ones and suck on them and then eat them. There was a post or two in the catfish cradel about them, you should go read them. My brothers pleco killed his angelfish.
Thanks for your replies.
I get the impression a pleco is not as popular as a corry with most of you,not sure why that is ,i personally think the plec is majestic in shape and almost prehistoric in looks and thats what makes them so cool.

And i dont subscribe to the fact people dont like angels or betta's .

And mollies are another great looking fish especially the dalmation molly.Also i have a breeding technique for molly's that will guarentee results and this doesn't work with platty or swordtail's,so BIG UP FOR MOLLIES.

The original post was to let you tell me why your fish are better than mine,so feel free to add anything you want,but try to make it funny.

My fish are all better than yours! Its because... well... because they are mine!

Seriouly though, i think everyone will like the fish they have themselves over other's fishes because after all, they CHOSE to buy their own fish.

Bolivian Rams!!!
They are beautiful and friendly, whenever I come up to the tank he comes to see me and sits in front of me just staring.

Tiger barbs!!!!!
Also beautiful and full of character, when I put my hand in the tank they nip me.

Beautiful and are cool to watch at feeding times.

BTW I hate Angels, once I had one that was so nasty it killed my RTBS!
pleco heaven
you talked about some cool fish there.
The only resveration about tiger barbs i have is there fin nipping and that limits me from keeping the fish i love most Betta splendens
thats right
i dont see how anyones tastes would exclude angels there the absolute text book tropicals.
there shape and grace is second only to a betta

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