E=½MV²... isn't the same as Bignose pointed out above
Basically if you want to hurt someone hit them twice as fast rather than with twice the mass. I always refer to cars when explaining to people the maths behind the formula. For example if you're in a street and you get hit by a car, realistically the only variable at the time is the velocity, in which if if you decrease the speed limits for cars the damage will be significantly less than if you decreased the mass of the vehicle. This is why speed limits are very important!
Particle physics is beautiful, it's simply amazing and to think that the electrons are only 1836th of the mass of a proton, to picture them proportionately sized and distanced for us to see and then imagine the vast distances between proton and electron is impressive.
Anyone interested into reading the development of theories, further theories and proposed future technologies I recommend you reading books by Michio Kaku, fascinating reads. I like the fact that mankind seems to want to unify everything and search for the "theory of everything". Though it saddens me to think we will never do such a feat.
Also nuclear power is the way forward until we can harness fusion, which I would be proud to see in my lifetime. It would be THEE biggest achievement of mankind in my eyes, EVER.