The Whole "balanced" Thing...

I'm sure you've heard the school science lesson of how if you have a 2 litre drinks bottle and add some elodea, a snail and a guppy, they can live quite happily, providing for each other. I was just wondering if this was fact or myth, as I was considering something similar... well... a bit different actually :)

I was hit by a flash of inspiration today when I looked at a tall plain glass vase that my mum has as a decoration on the table in the house and I thought " what if you could have a mini planted tank in something like that?" Now, it wouldn't quite be the school science experiment, and it wouldn't quite be the small glass vase that I used, but the idea was planted (pardon the pun...) I'm thinking a rectangular vase type thing that has a base of maybe about 18cm square and is about 30cm high. I would plant it with some vallis at the back to create a kind of backdrop, maybe some small crypts or something similar in the middle and probably some HC Cuba as a forground covering. I would only stock it with maybe 2 WCMMs which are quite happy in coldwater/room temperature tanks and a snail. Obviously itwouldnt be like these horrible fish bowls some people have where the water never gets changed - I would be doing weekly water changes along with my other tanks, but it wouldn't be filtered as it would be too small and unsightly on a tank of that size.

So what do you think? Comments? Suggestions? I'm really tempted just to try it and give it a go for all it would cost to set up ;)

Any ideas?



Fish belong in heated filtered tanks. Flowers belong in vases.

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