The Tff T-shirt Page

If only we could actually get TFF T-shirts, that would be kind of cool, in a wierd sort of way.

You know ReefCentral dont you llj? They have there own "product line". Including T's, coffee mugs, the Classic "RC Thong", bibs, coasters, clocks, buttons, caps, postards, BBQ apron, a teddy bear, bags, and my favourite, the Reef Central License Plate frame! :lol:

Yep, I know ReefCentral. A TFF Thong, now that would be something. :fun: Wouldn't buy one, but it would be something. It would go with Pica's baby doll. The new TFF line at Victoria's Secret modeled by Giselle. A bit out of my league. But I would by a mug and a T-shirt.

Steelhealr, still waiting for the planted tank shirt! What? We're not cool enough for you? B)
Is it really sad to ask what on earth the seconds to last one on the original post is all about? Having a very 'monday' sort of day today :S
Silly billy - it's Nitrate ;)

You're gonna do this now :
I'd like to get a bunch of these shirts and give 'em away to customers so I don't have to bring up the forum and write down the addy on a scrap of paper. Or wear the shirts... though we're required to wear uniforms. :p
OK...equal billing....I tried my best..just trying to keep things light here in the forum (here's to you llj):



Very good, oh course you immediately warmed me to the cause by having my name on one :)
Here's one for the nano section:

Mine's smaller than yours.


I see your pico's as big as mine... Or Size does matter...

Just had to take it to the next dirty level. Seriously, I've said this before. T-shirts would be a great idea. I'd buy, really, I would.
Here's one for the nano section:

Mine's smaller than yours.


I see your pico's as big as mine... Or Size does matter...

Just had to take it to the next dirty level. Seriously, I've said this before. T-shirts would be a great idea. I'd buy, really, I would.
:lol: Or.....

Find out if size really does matter. Go nano at
Great shirts, but I have to ask some dumb questions:
What does "JMO, FWIW" mean, and what does "DSB" mean? I have been racking my brain trying to think what they stand for :lol:
JMO = Just my opinion
FWIW = For what it's worth
DSB = Deep sand bed ( also Defense Science Board, Department of Services for the Blind...etc...but I'm guessing SH meant the first one. :p )

As I've said already, SH, love the shirts! :good:

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