The TFF New Years Party

Idk really... My driver's license and upgrading that fish tank... Nothing much else I suppose.
Kinda sad that, that is all.
And maybe a job? Idk if I should be excited or depressed about that but it gets me away from my crazy family...
Drivers license is a huge thing! Yay!
And that 40 gallon is gonna be awesome :)
Drivers license is a huge thing! Yay!
And that 40 gallon is gonna be awesome :)
All I have to do for my permit is do a written test at the DMV sense I passed the driver's ed class...
I feel ok about it...

And my tank... I'm honestly not sure. Sometimes I'm excited and othertimes I have no motivation to do anything with the idea...
Right now I have no motivation for anything aquarium related... Strange, I know...
Just thinking about it makes me question if I want the fish, plants, and the larger tank... When I'm in these modes, I just feel like it's a waste of time and money...
And then I look at my tank and regret it ect ect...
I'm really sorry... I feel like I've ruined this thread 😕
I'll stop
Today is another day. You don't need world changing plans or things, at least not ones that will happen in a day, or a week. For a lot of people it'll be a painful day after, but for others, it won't even be a new year on the calendar they follow. Five days til Christmas if you're an Orthodox Christian.

So try to identify what is good in you, and play to it. Look to what's bad, and try to minimize it. Look to what you can do for others. Don't pick details, pick directions. Do something you enjoy today, and try to do something others will enjoy.

It's really difficult on the edge of full scale adulting. You have the ideas, but if you are in the average family, you may not have the means to do as you hope. Yet. If I look at where I was at 16, where I was at 18 and who I was at 20 - 16 year old me would have been shocked at how life opened up and blossomed. Don't close your mind and don't let depression wear you down. Spring's coming.
It only took me until into my 40s to realize that I knew nothing. And the more I learned the less I knew. I could live for 500 years and I would still have a lot more to learn than I would actually know. But I can tell you that at age 18 I knew more than I do now. But that is because I did not know anything but I thought I knew it all.

Consider that you can be an Adolf Hitler or a Mother Tersa or anything in between. In the end we are responsible for who we are.

I felt sorry for myself because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet.

I have experienced 75 New Year's Eves. I remember only one and that was because of the unusual location. 69/70 in Panama City partying in an old 5 story wooden hotel. There were huge parties on all 5 floors with live bands. The whole building was shaking. But all that I remember was the building shaking.......

And then there is this: "We have plenty of youth. What we need is a fountain of smart."

Yes, I removed a word from the below.

"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.

Have a good 2023 all.

The TFF New Years Party​

How could I have missed this...?

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