The Start Of Something Bigger.

One more photo that I just love.
LFS had quiet a few baby (I mean almost an inch long) EBJD's and also some 5 inch JD's. My LFS has a cramped cichlid section, everthing except Africans and Oscars sell only when little bitty wimps and when the owner realizes that phase was temporary, bac to the store they go. There is a Carprintis that has been there for almost a year and has had atleast 20 owners. He looks fairly peaceful at the store. He is a lone ranger in the top row, they took the dividers of the 2 comparments on both side of him and let him have it. He tries to fight with the various oscars that go beside him at different times. So fummy. Not trying to steal your thread, and I do realize it went from baby EBJD's to a 7" Carprintis
It's the same with dogs too. People see that cute little puppy and when it hits 1 year and is not cute but turns out to be lots of work off to the pound. People don't do research and don't seem to care. They think or it's just a fish. But I get attached to mine.

I have started to search for a 100 gal. I got the ok to get one when I find a deal.
I may be 13 but, I do tend to get attached to some fish. I was not willing to give away my community fish but, had no other choice. I now dread when my Senegal has to go cause of size. I love my Senegal.
Since this is like a journal or blog for me where I like to blab about my fish here is some more blabbing. With photos.

So I have worked out a deal. I get to look for my 100 gal tank for real. I am going to be moving my 55-gal into the living room in the opposite corner from the tv and Fire place. How great would that be Fire to the right tv in front and to the left fish. PERFECT really. Then I will free up space in my computer/play room for the BIG tank. I am so excited . My Parrot will be moving to the living room where my 36 gal is now. She will be happy there and out of reach from my 11 month old.

I will be selling my 36 gal bow front and moving fish around a bit. All the fish from the 36 Gal will be added to the 55 gal. All the fish growing in the 55 gal will move to the 100 Gal. I will still keep my 20 Gal I am going to convert that to a High tech planted tank I think. Try learning how to use CO2 :unsure: .

This is going to be a big project with lots of fish and plant moving. But in the end I think it will all be well worth it.

Now I just need to find my dream tank. :good:

Here is the stocking with the fish I have now.
100 Gal
1 ebjd
1 Blue acara
1 severum
8 Red eye tetras
1 Bulldog pleco
1 BN albino pleco
* * I might add one more fish I'm thinking Red severum would look AWesome**

55 Gal
1 Keyhole
2 Bolviana rams
6 Pristella (X-Ray) Tetra
3 OLD Red tail Rasbora
1 Clown Pleco
1 BN Pleco
6 cory cats
** Might add a School of neons and or my Female Acara.

on second thought I might keep my 36gal and keep my corys and Acara with the plants I have growing in there. Or I was going to move the Cory cats to the 55 gal. Whatever I will just have too see how it goes.

Here is my Bulldog pleco he is looking awesome now. He had sunken in eyes and belly but is filling out well. He is so cute :wub:

cool, i'm getting a 100 for christmas. :wub: the BD Plec.
Updates? Piccies? Love the topic and waiting for updates. :p
My update

I have 2 differant lamps for this tank both are out. I'm waiting for a ballast so I can get it working. The tank has been with only day light for a week now. Some plants are not happy. My rubbernose died he was too sickly from the start. I found a new one that's doing awesome and is way coller then my last. I added a few more plants they need to fill in when my arm is better I will get new photos.

I also have a broken arm and had a few doctor bills to pay. I'm praying I will not need surgery I find out Monday if I do. So this has stopped my hunt for the perfect tank. I have to wait till I'm healed and makeing money again.

My fish are all doing well. My severum is a pig and growing like a weed. She is 2" long and 2" deep. Just about doubled in size. My acAra and ebjd are doing well seems like now that sparkel is 3" he has slowed down growing maybe it just seems like that because nip getting so big. Sparkel is still the top fish in the tank.
Here is my new bulldog pleco. It's pretty safe to say he has no L# he is not classifide. You might have seen these photos on the pleco page.


Omg I might get a tank... I found a 100 gal acrylic that will need cleaning for $50. It will be mine tomarrow night as long as this one other person passes it up. Wish me luck. It will be awhile till I set it up but it's the first step
Well, guess didn't realize the updates yesterday. Good job on the find.
I got 4 Emperor tetras to add a little something to the upper level of the tank. These are the best looking tetras and tough. They almost looked like they teamed up on sparkel. He was checking them out and they gathered around and were like what do you want. They did not run. But the biggest emeror is 3" about the same size as sparkel.

I was researching these guys a few days ago and was suprised to find them it was ment to be.

I will get some photos once I can use my hand better.
Very interesting journal/blog! Have just seen the journals and photographs section and read through your story. I have recently upgraded to a 5ft tank and i love it!! Everyone who comes over is amazed.

I tried to add a EBJD to my 4ft before uprgading, he was 3" but he didnt survive, i read they are not very strong so i have decided they are too fragile as i dont have a grower tank.... Yours looks awesome, would like to see pic of your new set up once done....
It might be a while till I get the larger tank. But I will post all about it when it happens.

Sorry about you ebjd they are awesome but some are just not hardy but if you find one that is they are just as tough as the normal.

my tank is a little over stock now I think since I added 6 emperors . I lost my albino bn :sad: I'm pretty sure my new rubber nose killed him at night. Water stats were all right. He had been staying on the rocks and hiding. They use to both stay on the glass and would fight eachother from time to time. They did not like each other from the start. But the rubbernose is doing awesome.

As for my cichlds they are good my severum now 3" and likes to eat plants it's kind annoying but I was warned. She likes new growth. Sparkel will challenge my blue acara at times but they still get along no real fights.

My arm is doing better my cast is off it's feeling good. I will be back to work soon. I'm saving up for my new tank. I will be getting this summer. I can't wait. I did not need surgery woohoo.

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