Well......the story goes......
I found myself pregnant at age 19 and moved out of my house with my boyfriend (had lived in it all of my life) and was suffering from depression and anxiety throughout the first trimester. I was very scared and had to go to my mommy's house everyday while my husband (then boyfriend) went to work because I couldn't be alone......
Just before Halloween of 1998 we decided to get a little kitten that was free in the paper. We went to pick one out and decided to get a little black and white female. WELL, there was also a little boy (orange and white) that had two bad legs. One of them had two bones in it and about 8 mangled toes and the other one was missing toes. They gave him a tad bit of trouble but nothing he couldn't handle. SO, we decided to take that little boy too! Now, technically the female was mine and the male was my husband's, but since he hates cats they were both mine
. Those kitties sure did help me feel better through those trying months.
He sure did love me that good old cat. He always greeted me when I came home, he slept right under the covers with me every night. He truly needed me and I truly needed him
My husband always use to tease me about the Kitty wanting him, my husband, gone and the Kitty wanting to take his place!!
We had moved a few times and a few years had gone by and we found ourselves renting a house in a fairly good neighborhood......but lots of dogs!
I knew better than to leave Kitty out all night, because of his bad legs, but he was almost as good on them as any cat. Well, one morning we woke up to the neighbor girl crying on our doorstep saying that my cat had been maulled by a couple of mean dogs! I woke my husband up and he went outside and I remember sitting there in the living room in a panic thinking *okay, it's not that bad, so he got bit, we will take him in, he's gotta be okay* Well, he came back in and by the look on his face it wasn't good. The girl and her boyfriend had watched most of it.....they had heard the dogs out their window so they looked out it to tell them to shut up thinking that they were mine
) and then they saw them cornering my poor kitty by my garage, they had bitten him so badly that his bag broke, you know the one that is around an animals entire body on the inside....they said that they saw the kitty pull himself under our car by his front two paws..........
sorry.......break time..........it still chokes me up........
BREATH, alright,
My husband took him into the emergency vet and was hoping they could do something for him. I was still hopeful and still hadn't wanted to see his poor body.
My husband and the nieghbor's boyfriend went driving around just after that trying to spot the dogs, but they couldn't find them. I called the humane society here and they came out and I filed a report against the dogs and then that is when the vet called me and said that they were sorry, but the kitty had just had a cardiac-arrest and died.
I was very sad.......I literally felt a piece of my heart fall away and I remained sad for quite a while........I missed him soooo. We burried him in my mother's backyard and placed a little monument on top so I will always remember him.
Here he is in all his sweetness!!!!!!:
and another