The Rainbow Bridge

Well. My girlfriend and I just lost our beloved kitty Muscles today at a very young 9 months old. We brought him in for a neutering and his routine rabies and distemper shots. They gave him the sedative to make him drowsy before putting him under and when the vet gave him the ketamine to put him out he stopped breathing with a very weak pulse. The vet worked for 15 minutes trying to revive him, but to no avail. My girlfriend got a call at about 1 o'clock today and all the Vet go out of her mouth was "I'm so sorry..." and my girlfriend started to cry.....she loved her kitty. She then called me at home and I started to cry also. She came home early from her morning work so we could go see him.

I have to say that our Vets are amazing. They gave us a room to ourselves and then brought Muscles in wrapped in a blanket and left us alone with him for about 20 minutes. And then out Vet came in, sat down with us, actually petted Muscles for a bit and then hugged my girlfriend.

I have to credit Muscles with turning me into a cat person. I just moved in with my girlfriend 2 months ago and quickly came to love this cat dearly (he used to lay on my stomach while I was laying on the couch watching Red Sox games and just chill.)

Anyways, sorry about the long story, here are some pictures of the big Lug-A-Kitty (my nickname for him)

My first time meeting him a couple weeks after Shaun (my g/f) got him.

The very inquisitive Muscles

And this is him resting on the window sill in our bathroom, it was this window sill and the one in out living room that he spent most of his time laying on for the past month-ish.....and how he will be remembered. We will be spreading some of his ashes out these two windows and keeping the rest in a small urn for him.

Rest In Peace Muscles, you are loved and will be missed.
Muscles was such a sweet kitten and will be missed.

My roommate (before my boyfriend move up with me) and I got Muscles from a woman a few towns over from where we lived. When we walked into the room the kittens were in, Muscles was sitting upon a pile of clothes and immediately came over to check us out. On the drive home that day, with our new kitten in my roommate's arms, I just thought that it would be funny to name his Muscles, and the name stuck.

He was extremely good natured and anytime our landlord/maintenance guy came over, Muscles would great them at the door. I think he tried to follow a few delivery men as well!

This may sound weird, but Muscles was my baby. He was a few weeks old when we got home, spent all of his nights, before I moved out on my own, laying in my bed. Through a HORRENDOUS roommate and -3- moves, that kitten was there through it all.

I miss you Muscles (Pumpkin Pie).
my cat/kitten gemma :-(
died in a car 'accident' in 2004 at the age of 7 months approx.
died instantly i think and hope as i didnt want her to suffer, she was found by a neighbour ,she was buetifful, the best looking cat i have ever seen in my life.i still have her brother and hes thriving and just turned 3.
r.i.p gem il never forget you :-(
(have no picture) :(
My Snowtiger Lynx Point Siamese, Chyna, had to be put to sleep in November of 2001, because of Feline Leukemia. It was a very sad time for me, because I was her owner. :( I know that she is in a better place now and that she is free of suffering. :)

Reading this thread is always so sad, but it cheers me up seeing how much everyone here loves their pets.

:rip: to all you little angels.
Any of you who have followed my recent post will know how devastated I have been at having to put our beautiful pussy cat Vivian to sleep yesterday. We noticed something was wrong on Saturday and got her to the vet first thing Monday where she rapidly went downhill. The vet said that her heart was very small and there was nothing we could do.

She was such a lovely cat and was amazingly vocal. She would miaow at us all the time. I am going to miss you so much Vivian and your miaows. We truly had conversations with each other. You touched my heart and I hope we touched yours. May you rest in peace my baby girl. We will always remember your furry face and will see you again one day, hopefully at the rainbow bridge. Sleep peacefully.

This is the only piccie we have on the computer. She is at her happiest, sleeping peacefully next to me on the sofa.


Goodbye Vivvy
My Norwegien Elk Houd was attacked on x-mas eve of 2004 and died X-mas day... that really put a damper on the holiday... I LOVED that dog and it was hard to see her die like that... :-( :rip:
I'd just like to remember my little boy Attila. He was a very lively, very fiesty kitten; black with a white patch on his throat and another on his belly. He was the dominant one of his litter--a bundle of five kittens that my sister's cat had. A very adventurous feline. He was "mine".

Attila was killed late in the afternoon on August 19th 2004, two days after we'd gotten him. My mother accidentally backed over him in the driveway. I was there for his last few moments, and I was the one who packed up and buried his body. My only regrets are that my mother was the one who backed over him--she loves cats as much as I do--and that we never got a picture of Attila.

The way I remember Attila is not just the few memories I have, but also every time I look at his brother, Odysseus--one of the three remaining survivors of the litter, all of which we own. A few hours after Attila's death, I drove to my sister's house to pick up Odysseus, because I didn't want HP to spend a night without a brother nearby. Odysseus was very timid and scared, and we had a crisis with him the moment we got him. Somehow, his tail had been broken at the base and improperly healed, and he developed an abscess around the area. He's perfectly fine now and is lazier than ever before. His tail hangs oddly; when he lifts it, it looks like a question mark.

Because of Attila's death, we were able to help Odysseus regain his health.

RIP Attila. Though we knew you only a short time, you are sorely missed.
I lost my dog last October. His name was Goliath. He was 13 years old. We had to put him down on his birthday :( :-( He was sick for a while, but got better. Then he started coughing a lot, the vet thought it was kennel cough, so she told us to try to give him cough syrup. The poor dog, we chased him around trying to give it to him before he died. The cough got worse, and my parents took him to the vet again, and they took an x ray and found a tumor larger than a golf ball beside his heart, and pushing on his trachea, which was making him cough. We knew he was suffering, because his ribs were bruised from the coughing and such.

He was such a great dog though, so well behaved and loveable. Whenever anyone in the family was sick, he would lay on the floor next to their bed and only go where they went. I really miss him a lot. The house was too lonely, my mother stays at home alone so we got the pup a while later.

Anyway, here he is:

I have had the pleasure of knowing so many animals, but these guys will remain with me forever.

I want to say goodbye to Whitey, the cat I found myself with after I moved in with my dad. He died while I was away for Christmas. I only had a few months with him, and when I catnapped him when I moved out of my dads he became an entirely different cat, no longer terrified of strangers or loud noises. I'm glad that I could provide him with a few months of peace after years of neglect, and will miss waking up to him chewing my hair, or laying with his back against mine. Although I wish I could have known and been with him for his twenty odd years, I cherish the time I did get with my little old man. White Persian, December 20, 2006,

Princess, you were my ninth birthday present, my first and only dog, and you loved my mom more lol. I hope you fun with our romps in the woods, and catching rats in the chicken coop. I'm sorry your last year was spent in pain, and I'm sorry I got so frustrated with you. If I'd had my way I would have sent you off sooner, but it was not to be. We all miss you, and Toto misses you dearly, but now you can run like you were meant to and are no longer confined by your bodies injuries. Shepherd/Husky mix, October 13th, 2005

Ghost, you were my little baby, my little grave-robbing pitbull cat. I dreamed about you before I found you on the floor, your mother not knowing what to do. I dealt with your smarts, and your midnight leg pounces while I was sleeping. I loved that kink in your tail, and how handsome you looked in your spiked collar. I miss watching you sleep. I know it was you who ate my betta, and I miss watching you climb the ladder to the top bunkbed. I don't know why you took off, or why you wouldn't get close when you came back, but you didn't deserve to be found on the road like that. August 2003

Kiki, I know how scared you were when I managed to catch you and bring you in the house, but my mother loved you, and you were my sleeping buddy. You helped bring Thunder out of his shell, and you brought into the world Ghost, Jack, Abby, Quarter-Bit, Shriver and Nameless. I miss the mice you'd bring, and the comfort you brought. I'm sorry we didn't know about that bag of silica in the garage until it was too late, and I'm sorry we couldn't have had you with us longer. 2003

Thunder, I knew you when you were born, and I wish that things had been different, but at least the last months of your life were spent with us, and you could finally go outdoors and enjoy life outside that room you were locked in all those years. I wish I could have saved you sooner, but it proved impossible. Miss you Thunder Kitty. Norwegian Forest Cat, May 2000

Hip-Hop and Big-Bop, you two were inseperable. Knowing you guys, you probably thought it was hiliarious when I thought your hopping and bouncing around meant you had rabies. But you were the first ferrets I'd ever met, and did you guys put on a show. I loved playing in the creek with you two, and showing off your sleep-like-the-dead act to visitors. Mom loved you too, even when you killed her leather slipper, and ran off with things. Hip-Hop, you were always the rowdy one, but you could be a sweetie like no other, even when you did manage to hide out for a week under Jason's bed. Big-Bop, you were always laid back, always ready for an open lapping and friendly hands. And both of you I'm sure loved being the first and only rodents Princess was not allowed to kill, I know you did the way you'd walk under her legs and grin. Miss you little superballs. Big-Bop 1997, Hip-Hop 1998.

And this goes out to the unknowns. You guys I loved and lived with, but never knew what happened to you.

Gin, Jim said you ran off, but I'll never know. I loved you even then, and I wish he'd never taken you that day. Lab mix, 1990

Oscar, you went out with us into the woods, and gave us a final look, one we didn't know meant goodbye right then, but could feel it's importance. I still don't know why you just left, but I know you had your reasons, because you would never have left us like that unless you knew it was coming. You were a great dog. Husky mix, 1992

Storm and Calvin, I don't know what Jim did with you guys really, he said a farm, but I can't trust him. Storm, I met you when I was five, and you were the coolest dog I knew. You were so gentle despite your size, and you protected Jason and I when we needed it. Calvin, you were gorgeous with your curling fur and sleek black body. You listened so well for being so young, and I wish I could have taken you both, but it wasn't meant to be. I hope it was a farm you went to, and that you lived happily ever after. Storm, Golden Retriever, Calvin, mix, 2000

Nameless, you were taken without us knowing, and I can only hope that they loved you, and that you are okay. Calico 2000

Shriver, I gave you to her thinking she'd take care of you. I was wrong. When you ran away from her I hope you found someone who really loved you. Dilute calico 2005

And to the ones who are still with me, I want to say ahead of time how much I love you guys.

Toto, you were a demonic oreo when I met you, cute and sweet on the outside, evil within. God only knows what your life was like before those people found you along that highway, and before we found you. It only took us a few years lol, but you finally turned into the sweetheart we knew you really were. When Princess got hit you screamed right along with her and I, and you always could always be counted on to protect her when she was her most vunerable, and I know how much you miss her. I can still picture you girs out in the woods, Princess a wolf, and you looking all the world like a bear cub trundling after.

Jack, you were adorable as a kitten and you still are, even with the heft. You can always be counted on to lift peoples spirits, and a paw when they step over you. When we almost lost you I was so scared. I can only hope that you stay with us, and that we can be half the cat you are.

Kali, it took us a month to get you in the house, and even longer to get you to let you realize people aren't going to hurt you. Once we pet you you turned into putty, but boy did you shy away from our hands until then. Now you let strangers rub you all over, and I'm glad we could bring that into your life. and while it freaked me out, I thank you for that dead robin in my bedroom, I know you were just trying to feed me, and thank you for the nightly facials, I don't think my skin was ever exfoliated that well before.

Dog, we just brought you into the family recently, but you wormed your way even into my heart. Despite my distressing months spent with the dog from hell, you brought me back. I hope that we can help you with the problems you have, and provide a better home than the one you must have had before they found you in the woods.
Sadly today we had to have one of our old moggies put down due to kidney failure. Moses was a 9 and a bit old ex-feral which I found in a skip about 3 months after we got married 9 years ago - when he wasn't much bigger than my fist... over the years he's given us plenty of pleasure and joy.

Moses will now be reunited with our other cats who have moved on to the next journey in life.

You'll missed little fella - especially at night when if you where ill he would sleep on your pillow and keep watch on you.


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RIP :rip: Kiki, the best little birdie in the world we will all miss the way you danced to music, nibbled on fingers, got hyper when you were offered cereal, and loved each and everyone of us. I know you struggled but it was worthwile. Every minute with us was great because you were there. Died on Feb. 27, 2007. Remembered by me, mom, dad, Ross (brother), Cream (cat), grandma, grandpa, and everyone else that met you. <3
To Homer & Taz

I'm sorry we had to give you guys away, if it was at all possible we would have kept you. I'm also sorry we never saw you again but it was probably for the best. When I heard one of you had gone I was devastated, so much so I never asked who it was or how it happened. Although I cant help thinking it was you Homer, you were never the brightest of sparks but your crazy antics more than made up for it. I hope you stayed thick as thieves until you were parted. Taz i'll never forget the one and only time you hissed at me while you guarded your brother after than dog almost got him.Homer i'll always remember you for being the fool and especially fetching that piece of airline tubing like a dog(much to Taz's disgust).And Taz i'll always remember you for your independence and greed.Particularly all those times you opened the fridge and helped yourself to whatever took your fancy(although the plate of kidney beans was an odd choice). You would love Lisas 2 cats, Homer you would probably like Mia best as shes nuts like you and Taz you would like Max cos hes pretty reserved and he doesnt jump up on the furniture either.

Anyway I'm starting to get a lump in my throat typing this so i'll say my goodbyes :)

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