I found the good plant guy at my bf's fish store, and he spent a good 45 minutes with me working out the plan for the tank. He was very happy that I had a picture of what I had started (hooray for smart phones!) and made some suggestions. I didn't take them all, and am going to see how it works for me.
It all started when I found a crypt I've never seen before - Crypt Pontederiifolia. It's tall, stalky and shouldn't get too much taller than it is now, 10-12 inches or so. The leaves should always face upwards to the light, and will have a nice pink underside when first developing. I thought it would make a nice stand of 'trees' on the other side of my meadow and was planning on just them in a small grouping, but then decided that they would look nice popping out over a boulder, so I spend even more time finding the perfect rock.
A bunch more crypt wendtii, some sessefloria to see if it will cover up the back wall a bit as it grows, and some Limnophila aromatica so see if the red will stay and add a slash of colour. I didn't realize how much wendtii I got; the bunches were much bigger than I was anticipating, so I'll have to move it around a bit more, or pass some off to bf's house. Once the undulata starts filling in at the front a bit more, my meadow will start taking place.
I'm also trying to get my java fern to start growing on the wood again, now that I was the jungle val is curling over the top and shading the area more.
I'm getting my jungle look back, without it being a jungle
Whole Tank
'Boulder' on Right
Rock on Left