The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Hey Lovelies!  The Corries are lovin' their new 55 gallon tank!  Unfortunately the Molly had to be moved back to the 20 since he was harassing the MALE Swordtail like he thought it was a girl................silly livebearers.
The plan is to get more Trilineatus Corries for that tank along with some more Tetras and Otocinclus catfishs.  Does anyone know if Otos are okay with Angels & Bolivian Rams? 
Ruskull said:
Hey Lovelies!  The Corries are lovin' their new 55 gallon tank!  Unfortunately the Molly had to be moved back to the 20 since he was harassing the MALE Swordtail like he thought it was a girl................silly livebearers.
The plan is to get more Trilineatus Corries for that tank along with some more Tetras and Otocinclus catfishs.  Does anyone know if Otos are okay with Angels & Bolivian Rams? 
I keep ottos in my 37 gallon with my angels.. they don't bother the ottos..
Hey Lovelies!@!!
Here is my brotosaurus roast.. man these steaks are aboot two pounds each...

Hey Lovelies!!!
I gots to go move my pellets from outside to inside my shed.. Lucky me!!! Woot Woot!!
We had donughts today at work too..
Happy Friday Lovelies!
I just stopped by the local Petco and bought (5) Gold Pristella Tetras for my son's 55 gallon.  If they do well we'll up the numbers to ten at least.
Hey lovelies!

Lost our game tonight. :( seasons over now.
Yeah, and I'm going to take pitching and batting lessons over the summer. Really want to work on my pitching, it's significantly improved this year.
Hey Lovelies!!!!

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers of tropical fish forums!

Going to make sammiches today to celebrate.. They're going to has ham, salami, boglogna, lettuce, tomatos, cracked black pepper, mayo, pickles, and mustage on them..

I gots sea salt and vinager potato chips to go with..

I wish every day was Mother's day so i could make sammiches every day!
Happy Mother's Day to all the Mums!

Hey Lovelies!
Been trying to figure out why a gradual drop in PH in my tanks. Did a huge water change and managed to bring it up slightly. Stilll have to find out kh/gh. I believe I have the start of my first dealing with Pop Eye. Keeping an eye on my male dalmation Mollie. Will try daily partial water changes for awhile and see how he fairs. Hoping all goes well. Lost a juvenile male guppy in the guppy tank too.
Maybe you have a lot of wood in the tank that's dropping pH quickly?  Also, another member here suggested to test the pH of your tap water after letting it sit for 24 hours to get a more accurate reading.  Then you can compare the pH of that water against the reading of your tank.  
High nitrates have also been blamed for pH drops. So even if you're doing regular water changes, you may be overfeeding or have a tank that's over stocked.

We're loving these new Gold Pristella Tetras, they're practically fearless considering they share the 55 gallon with 4 fairly large Angelfish & 2 adult Bolivian Rams.  So far they shoal very well & seem to like the lone Lemon Tetra like he's their big brother!  
Hey Lovelies!
Here's a current quick video of Betta Town:
Ruskull...  I have no wood in the tanks.  I have now 2 tanks showing this lower PH.  So, based on that I am honing safely in on water source.  Testing my tap water now.  Straight from the tap it is 7.8.  We'll see after setting out.  I read somewhere that it is possible there is an added chemical in our water that increases PH so as to not corrode pipes as easy.  But then when water is released it evaporates.  Not sure about this or why all of a sudden.  We are just getting over mud season though so perhaps something has changed with the run off from winter in streams. 
I normally get Nitrates of 40 on a regular basis.  And I do a regular water change of approx 30% every week.  But when I tested yesterday not only did I have the lower PH in both tanks but Nitrates were off the charts in both tanks.  0 Ammonia and 0 Nitrite though.  Well bottom line is I did a HUGE water change on both tanks.  80%.  Nitrates are back at 40 and PH is up to between 6.6 to 6.8.  Will stick to testing daily and possible water changes daily till this gets figured out.  Oh, and I can cut back on feeding a bit in my Mollie tank..  just not my guppy tank due to the fry.  But I will deal with added water changes to hopefully keep control. 
Anyway...  Hey Lovelies!  Had a great Mother's Day yesterday!  Got to spend part of the day by myself and then the rest with my mom and my daughters and grandsons.  Weather wasn't great but you can't have it all!  lol  Had to deal with a little family drama..  but thankfully not MY family.  lol 
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