The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Hey Lovelies!!!

Juss got done doing my water changes.. I turned it into a drinking game.. One huge gulp of beer per tank, then one huge gulp for each gallon I replaced.. Got a slight buzz going.. I can do better I believe..

Hasn't eaten in over a day save for six "cuties" oranges.. I'm a big dude.. Praise be to barry that there's a pork chop in every can!

Hey Lovelies!  Yesterday we picked up a couple of Black Mystery Snails for Zach's tank, a Rubber Nose Bulldog Pleco and a Black Mystery Snail for my father's tank & a couple of healthy looking Oto cats for my 36 gallon.
Hey Lovelies!
Was due water changes yesterday but alas laziness took over. I pledge to do them tomorrow!
Hey Lovelies1!!!

Juss spent 36 dollars on medicated fish food to kills these worms.. Cammallannuss worms are the worst..
Fintastic! said:
Hey Lovelies!
Was due water changes yesterday but alas laziness took over. I pledge to do them tomorrow!
Don't feel too bad, my 20 gallon is working on 2 will happen tonight!  I procrastinate too much.
Hey Lovelies!!!!

Juss dosed the 37 gallon with the cammallannuss worm treatment.. Treated it like it t'were a 60 gallon tank.. I will win the war again the worms, that much I promise!!!

Bruins are playing like dog poop.. They will not make it out of the first round..

Was putting on a show for all the ladies today at work.. the shirt I was wearing was paper thin, you can see all my tats on my chest through the shirt.. All the womens were gawking, I felt like a piece of meat..

I was on the verge of telling them that view is for Mrs HAMBONE, and her only..
Hey Lovelies!  I did a nice job cleaning up the Betta tanks last night but I never got around to the 20 gallon.  I will make sure it's done tonight, and a 75% to boot.
Hey Lovelies!!!
The mrs went down to New Haven today.. She went to meet up with some friends.. They all went to Frank Pepe's pizza.. I got a lg pepperoni pizza with my name on it..
Also we decided that we are going camping Memorial Day weekend up in The North Country, above RT 2, not NH.. Also we decided to go to Cape Cod the weekend after Labor Day for another camping trip.. Will be booking this weekend.. I luzz camping..
Hey Lovelies! I feel weird just chiming in. Have been watching this thread for a bit and realizing this is just a bit of everyday life. Spent some time with my grandsons today (they are 4 and twins) and they informed me that mommy and daddy made them from special ingredients. lol! They live close (upstairs) so I am fortunate to see them daily.
School break is on and I have 1 daughter who is 18. Still trying to figure her out. lol And then a 3rd daughter who is 15. My daily turmoils ..... well there is no room on the internet.
I am getting frustrated with my fish. I am trying to breed a heart shaped tail guppy I have and have had very strange females to do this with. That and I have a Mollie that looks now like she swallowed a car and hasn't popped.
I work for a local Community Action place and every day we have some sort of a new enlightening....or an issue. So there is that too. Life is full....and it really is amazing. Hope you all are doing well! :)
Welcome to "Hey Lovelies!" DyArianna.........always more room for friendly folks.
Hey Lovelies!  All's well here in Sunny Clayton North Carolina.
I finally did the water change on the 20 last night so I was going to get ahead of myself by doing the 36 & 55 gallon tanks tonight.  This way I won't have to worry about any of them this weekend and I can turn my attention to yard work.  They should be easy enough since they both have external canister filters.  I swear, every time I do the 20 gallon the HOB filter gets clogged, sometimes just won't turn on, and when it does it spews out junk all over the newly cleaned tank!  The cartridges get clogged too easy and it turns a simple water change into a frantic panic when the filter just won't restart.
Rant over.   
DyArianna said:
Hey Lovelies! I feel weird just chiming in. Have been watching this thread for a bit and realizing this is just a bit of everyday life. Spent some time with my grandsons today (they are 4 and twins) and they informed me that mommy and daddy made them from special ingredients. lol! They live close (upstairs) so I am fortunate to see them daily.
School break is on and I have 1 daughter who is 18. Still trying to figure her out. lol And then a 3rd daughter who is 15. My daily turmoils ..... well there is no room on the internet.
I am getting frustrated with my fish. I am trying to breed a heart shaped tail guppy I have and have had very strange females to do this with. That and I have a Mollie that looks now like she swallowed a car and hasn't popped.
I work for a local Community Action place and every day we have some sort of a new enlightening....or an issue. So there is that too. Life is full....and it really is amazing. Hope you all are doing well!
Hey Lovelies!!!
Please don't feel ever weird aboot becoming a Lovely, everybody is welcome. this is a place to jump in with both feet, a place to laugh, a place to cry, and even sometimes a place to poop.. It can be either mutually exclusive, or encompass all three at once..
I found out today that I achieved all I can achieve at my present company. The next step is going to college and getting my degree.. So, it looks like at age 38 I'll be going back to school..
One positive I can see right off the bat is college age chicks and the parties!! WOOT WOOT!
Just kidding, it'll has to be night school.. Going to has to start inwestigating the associates program for electronic engineering at QCC..
Should be fun?

Ruskull said:
Welcome to "Hey Lovelies!" DyArianna.........always more room for friendly folks.
Hey Lovelies!  All's well here in Sunny Clayton North Carolina.
I finally did the water change on the 20 last night so I was going to get ahead of myself by doing the 36 & 55 gallon tanks tonight.  This way I won't have to worry about any of them this weekend and I can turn my attention to yard work.  They should be easy enough since they both have external canister filters.  I swear, every time I do the 20 gallon the HOB filter gets clogged, sometimes just won't turn on, and when it does it spews out junk all over the newly cleaned tank!  The cartridges get clogged too easy and it turns a simple water change into a frantic panic when the filter just won't restart.
Rant over.   
wow dude, that hob filter sure is a bane to you..
When you do a water change do you clean that too??
Are you running a sponge on the intake?? kind of like a prefilter to the filter???
Hey lovelies!

My bn died last night so now exploring some options on what else to add to my tank.

29 gallon: 16 espeis rasboras, 3 cherry barbs, 1 platy, 1 clown plec, will have a pair of GBR.
Hey Lovelies!
Sorry boot your bn Moffie! 
Welcome to the weird and wonderful that is Lovelies DyArianna
Finally got my laptop back Lovelies. Dad will be happy to get his back from me, bless him.
Lovelies, I am overrun with trumpet snails, overrun I tellsya! What to do? Does the lettuce trick work???? 
Initially I added two and now I can't count 'em. I don't mind a few but this is way too much.
My little man has scarlet fever. I thought that was unheard of these days. Caught it in playschool. Whatttt??!!!!!!! He was so sick yesterday but improved soon after he started antibiotics. He's asleep now but he's not great. Hopefully tomorrow might see more of an improvement.
Take care Lovelies!
Man of fish said:
Hey lovelies!

My bn died last night so now exploring some options on what else to add to my tank.

29 gallon: 16 espeis rasboras, 3 cherry barbs, 1 platy, 1 clown plec, will have a pair of GBR.
I'd add 3 more Cherry Barbs and be done with it.  

Fintastic! said:
Hey Lovelies!
Sorry boot your bn Moffie! 
Welcome to the weird and wonderful that is Lovelies DyArianna
Finally got my laptop back Lovelies. Dad will be happy to get his back from me, bless him.
Lovelies, I am overrun with trumpet snails, overrun I tellsya! What to do? Does the lettuce trick work???? 
Initially I added two and now I can't count 'em. I don't mind a few but this is way too much.
My little man has scarlet fever. I thought that was unheard of these days. Caught it in playschool. Whatttt??!!!!!!! He was so sick yesterday but improved soon after he started antibiotics. He's asleep now but he's not great. Hopefully tomorrow might see more of an improvement.
Take care Lovelies!
Good luck with your son, I also thought Scarlet Fever was a thing of the past.................

Hambone wrote:
"Wow dude, that hob filter sure is a bane to you.  When you do a water change do you clean that too??
Are you running a sponge on the intake?? kind of like a prefilter to the filter???"
No, I don't have a sponge or any kind of pre filter.  It's a Marineland Penguin 200 that's good for up to 40 gallon tanks.  It's only used being on a 20 gallon so it's a bit overkill.  Also no, I don't clean the filter every water change because if I'm doing them weekly it would also be overkill.  To be honest it doesn't look that dirty after 2-3 weeks when I do clean it out.  I do have sand substrate so it could be getting clogged with sand particles the Corries & Bristlenose Pleco kick up...........
Hey Lovelies! Thanks for the welcome guys and gals. Scarlett Fever is no fun. Thoughts and blessings with you!
Tomorrow is water change day. Still no new drops in the guppy tank or even the mollie tank. Black Betty now looks like a UBoat. Maybe with the fresh water we can stir things up a bit.

We are looking at a nice string of good weather coming up. A good 6 or 7 days with temps in the 60s! I live in Northern New England, Vermont USA so summer weather is wanted now. I have one daughter graduating high school and another graduating into high school in a couple months. Trying to juggle a few things. lol
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