Hey lovelies!!!!
Juss took care of my heating needs for the coming heating season..
Ordered four tons of Energex Super Premium Hardwood blended pellets.. I burnt Corrinth pellets this past year.. they're ok, but I has noticed a lot of fines.. The heat is ok, but they also produce a lot of ash.. Gots aboot 1.25 tones of Corrinth left.. I'll use those as my shoulder pellet, and use these other pellets for the cold months.. But then again, I has issues, and one of those issues is I like to use something up before I open something else, ie, an ink pen.. Once I start using an ink pen, I will not use another until the ink is used up into the first pen.. Told you all I am a freak.. Lighters too.. It bugs me to has multiple lighters laying around..
All my fish are fine.. Hope to be winning the battle against these worms..