The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Something doesn't sound right. You're losing fish left right and center for a reason. Can you give us any details on your water change and cleaning routine.

This hey lovelies thing at the start of your post is a bit too... cheery :p Just for the record, you know?
Something doesn't sound right. You're losing fish left right and center for a reason. Can you give us any details on your water change and cleaning routine.

This hey lovelies thing at the start of your post is a bit too... cheery :p Just for the record, you know?

Actually dude, I don't know.. Hey Lovelies is my thing.. It's where I come to be lovely, talk aboot my tank and the daily goings on in my world.. others should enjoy it and be lovely too.. you know?

I juss read that Mrs. Romney thinks Michelle O'bammer is lovely..

What are your water readings lovely ? :lol:

somewhere between a-ok and absolutely perfect..
Then there is your problem lovey. How on earth can you know if your water is ok without doing a water reading? fish dont keel over for no reason and the first thing you always do is test the water to see whats going on! Its my suspicion that ....

a) Your tank is uncycled - or if it ever was cycled its not now...


b) You dont have a clue what your are talking about!! :lol:
I completely agree with Gilli. Fish don't just die. YOU are doing something wrong. The only reason you wouldn't give us (and probably save all future fish from suffering) water stats is because you know that your stats may be somewhat dangerous to fish. In truth, I'm concerned for the fish, not how you start a thread/post.

I didn't mean to offend you before, I apologize.
Hey Lovelies!!!

No new guppys today..

Should has some purdy soon..
Lovey you obvioulsy have no intention of telling us what your water stats are -so dont bother to ask for help or advise as you are clearly not serious about fish welfare just making inane comments.
This has to be one of the strangest threads I've read on any forum, ever.
Why bother joining if you're going to make non-fish related comments...? Completely pointless... Hambone, I actually HATE fishkeepers that don't seem to care about their fishes' wellfare... You're giving this impression. As I said before, fish don't just die - YOU are killing them.

I will offer advice if you need it but not because I like you.
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