The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread

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Not sure aboot cats or dogs..... what did it taste like, Hambone?
Had crocodile in Kenya once. Tasted like chicken
Someone on a TV show tasted baked cobra. He said it tasted like fish. For once, something doesn't taste like chicken. Also, the cobra was positioned so that it was still curled and with its head pointing at the person that was supposed to eat it. Lol.
Oh wow that sound mad. I would't like to eat snake. Heeby jeebies! Still trying to post pics as you can see.....
For the record, regarding lambs. They aren't baby sheep when you eat them they are a year old and look like fully adult sheep. What would be the point of trying to eat a little baby sheep? You'd get nothing off it!

Stuffed my face with lamb curry last night OM NOM NOM!!!
Not sure aboot cats or dogs..... what did it taste like, Hambone?
Had crocodile in Kenya once. Tasted like chicken

crock tasting like poultry makes sense because chickens and the like are evolved reptiles.. Anyhoo, I liked dog better than cat..

Cat was more like rabbit, very dry and stringy meat.. Bones had a "snap" to em..

The dog was from a street vendor in the Azor Islands.. I was passing through.. Nicely spiced, once again stringy meat but had a weirder texture and flavor.. Not porky, but had a gamey flavor.. Cheap, and it was what the locals eat.. I don't like fish, so I guess you could say, I'd eat dog over eating fish.. Plenty of fish in the Azors
Oh wow that sound mad. I would't like to eat snake. Heeby jeebies! Still trying to post pics as you can see.....
Use the green square thing, next to the link button, and paste the image URL into it.
For the record, regarding lambs. They aren't baby sheep when you eat them they are a year old and look like fully adult sheep. What would be the point of trying to eat a little baby sheep? You'd get nothing off it!

Stuffed my face with lamb curry last night OM NOM NOM!!!
I ate lamb soup last night, because mom kept some parts of the lamb from last Easter in the freezer.
But it just can't beat the pangasius!
Ohhh Lamb Curry! I would love some nice lamb shanks but didn't see any lamb today at the store. Veal is fantastic too...yummy Veal Picatta!
Ohhh Lamb Curry! I would love some nice lamb shanks but didn't see any lamb today at the store. Veal is fantastic too...yummy Veal Picatta!
Veal soup, roast or grill are my second favorite after pangasius. I rarely get to eat lamb and pork much less. The pork around here seems tasteless. And not only that, but it's too heavy to digest.
Ok lovelies.

I've got a tough decision on my hands. This is in regards to a new tank. Option 1, 2, and 3.

1. Get that 75 gallon now, for $375.
I can't use it until November.
2. Get a 150 gallon I saw, but it doesn't look nearly at nice, for $500.
I can't use it until November.
3. Wait until my birthday in November, and my dad said he'll pay most of whatever setup I want, unsure if it was in regards to new or used though.

What do you lovelies think?
Ok lovelies.

I've got a tough decision on my hands. This is in regards to a new tank. Option 1, 2, and 3.

1. Get that 75 gallon now, for $375.
I can't use it until November.
2. Get a 150 gallon I saw, but it doesn't look nearly at nice, for $500.
I can't use it until November.
3. Wait until my birthday in November, and my dad said he'll pay most of whatever setup I want, unsure if it was in regards to new or used though.

What do you lovelies think?
Option number 3 sounds nice, since you can't use them till november anyway. But idk then about the deals... The 75 gal sounds so far as best.
Id has to cook them first..
Never said raw meat.
But hmm... I wonder what cooked cockroach tastes like... If they are edible, there's a crapload of food marching like an army on the streets around here...

probably bitter.. well that is if they taste like ants.. I ate ants in Africa.. once again.. military days..
Some say they are among the tastiest of insects. o_O In before "Tastes like chicken."
But if you raise your own cockroaches in a clean medium, and also cook them, darn! The new farming!


good read... I laughed, I cried, I pooped..

:lol: I go away to a friend's house to watch UFC fights for one night & Hey Lovelies starts talking dog eating & cockroach grillin' :lol:
Manofish, are you kidding? I'd get the 150 gallon if your parents will let you. Just remember, that's a lot of tank to take care of when you're used to a 30 gallon! It also weighs quite a lot so make sure your floor can handle the load including all the stuff that goes with it. It would be well worth the extra effort to have just about any fish you want. That's a great looking cabinet & canopy combination too and it looks like it has upgraded lighting? Offer him $500 even, and go pick that puppy up! Just imagine how many Gouramis I could keep in a 150 gallon tank........... :hyper:

I was waiting for someone to say "Well I ate human baby in Brazil once, tasted just like chicken, don't knock it until you try it"
Manofish, are you kidding? I'd get the 150 gallon if your parents will let you. Just remember, that's a lot of tank to take care of when you're used to a 30 gallon! It also weighs quite a lot so make sure your floor can handle the load including all the stuff that goes with it. It would be well worth the extra effort to have just about any fish you want. That's a great looking cabinet & canopy combination too and it looks like it has upgraded lighting? Offer him $500 even, and go pick that puppy up! Just imagine how many Gouramis I could keep in a 150 gallon tank........... :hyper:

I was waiting for someone to say "Well I ate human baby in Brazil once, tasted just like chicken, don't knock it until you try it"
There is a pic of something like that on the internet, but it stems from China...
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