The Official "hey Lovelies" Thread 2

Nice TOTM & FOTM wins MoF, well deserved.  I have yet to win a Tank of the Month competition on any of the fish sites I post at but I did pull off a Fish of the Month & Pet of The Month here at TTF!  The FOTM win here was extra special because it was my first & my favorite fish too.

Hey the_lock_man,
Thanks for mentioning Grooveshark, It's by far the best radio I've tried.  
Hey Lovlies! Switched to sand today!
Plants should be here Tuesday, and I should plant after school. Im so excited!
got 7 new fish today---see my updated sig for list
Nice fish bro, but better make sure those Rams aren't all male.  We made that mistake & had to separate them.  Now the Bolivian bully is the anchor tenant of my 20 gallon high....................

EllieJellyEllie said:
Hey Lovlies! Switched to sand today!
Plants should be here Tuesday, and I should plant after school. Im so excited!
Sand is so much better than gravel, and looks more natural IMO.
Ruskull said:
Nice fish bro, but better make sure those Rams aren't all male.  We made that mistake & had to separate them.  Now the Bolivian bully is the anchor tenant of my 20 gallon high....................

Hey Lovlies! Switched to sand today!
Plants should be here Tuesday, and I should plant after school. Im so excited!
Sand is so much better than gravel, and looks more natural IMO.
It was blue and red gravel! :sick: It was a reef tank theme, and now its all natural! Except the betta keeps eating his tail :/
Some folks claim that Bettas eat their tails out of boredom but I have a different theory:  Bettas were bred to have long flowing finnage but in reality it's hard for the Betta to move around with all the "drag" that those long "fluffy" fins create.  That's why you'll see them hanging out literally resting on the plants or other objects in the tank.  I believe they chew their fins up so they can move around easier.  That's part of the reason I prefer the shorter finned Plakat type.
Hey Lovelies!!!!
quite a successful day chasing electrons.. I fixt a Keithley 195 Digital Multimeter. What was happening was the reading was drifting somethang fierce.. electronical teching 101 says always check your power supply woltages before anythang else.. Well guess what??
15 volts(positive) was a trapezoidal wave.. Looked like I had a leaking capacitor.. Turns out I had two caps that were leaking. C122, and C123 were leaking.. So I replaced them.. Nice and stable readings now.. Tomorrow I has to calibrate it and put it back on the floor...
Hambone is speakin' Japanese again........
No he's making perfect sense.
The supply voltage should either be at a steady level (if it's direct current) or a nice smooth wave (if it's an alternating current). What he was seeing was a voltage that jumped from one level to another, held steady for a period, and then dropped back again for a period. If you looked at the voltage level over time, it would look like a trapezoid (known as a trapezium outside North America).
His experience told him to look for a faulty capacitor on the circuit board, and he found two - C122 and C123 being the individual component IDs on the board.
the_lock_man said:
No he's making perfect sense.
The supply voltage should either be at a steady level (if it's direct current) or a nice smooth wave (if it's an alternating current). What he was seeing was a voltage that jumped from one level to another, held steady for a period, and then dropped back again for a period. If you looked at the voltage level over time, it would look like a trapezoid (known as a trapezium outside North America).
His experience told him to look for a faulty capacitor on the circuit board, and he found two - C122 and C123 being the individual component IDs on the board.
Hey Lovelies!!!
these meters has been in service since 1983. A lot of the equipment I work on is almost as old as I am.. After 30 plus years the electrolytic caps start to leak.. I see a lot of cap issues in my job.. Either a woltage regulator finally pops or I get caps the swell up and partially open..
It took me aboot two hours to go through the meter this morning and calibrate it.. Ohms, AC/DC both wolts, and amps were off, yet I did not has to do any frequency compensation adjustments.. Which is a-o-k with me..
Cal'ed AC woltage and current at 1Khz, and when I checked it at 50Hz and 20KHz we were in spec.. In a nutshell, that was a bonus...
edit fer adding Hey lovelies, and performed a letter swap
Still sounds like a foreign language to me.................juss' sayin'
Hey lovelies!

Just bought about 120 various fishing lures. They were much cheaper to buy in bulk... And I figured I might as well sell the extras to my friends for cheaper then they are individually but more than I paid (I.e. One type I got 20 of them for $25 but individuals cost about $4 each so I'll sell them for $2.50 each even though I only payed about $1.25 each) that way I can make back the money I spent and then some xD
Hey Lovelies!!!
snow again.. made it down and back to the isle of rhodes today unscathed..
almost got in a fight with a dude today, but he stood down.. he was in the wrong and he recognized it after i pointed it out to him..

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