The New True-Aquatic Plant Look

Thanks for the positive :)

I could really do with some tips about the little helferi plants, as I often find some loose on the surface on a daily basis. I'm really regretting removing them from the baskets they came in! It seems as if very few are developing any sort of decent root system, perhaps as I'm worried about pushing them too far into the sand and then blocking light from the leaves.

The camboba has had a real growth spirt recently and a fair bit of it now reaches the water surface and those leaves have a reddy brown tinge to them. Consdiering I think the Danios have been chomping on bits too, really pleased with their results so far.

The two varieties of Ludwigia do seem to be happier since the move, as they are now showing more reddy pink on the leaves. Guessing it also helps they are now near the CO[sub]2 [/sub]ladder!

The Java fern has some fibrous ~1cm black/brown growths on the underside of leaves, is that the reproductive organ or algae? In the last week, several leaves have what look like baby fern "stalks" developing.

The hairgrass has done really well, almost tripled in height!

The two Eleocharis plants are developing good roots, but very much status quo on the leaves, or a reduction if anything (some inner leaves melted away so I removed them).

The two nanas, not in the new shots as they are on vacation in the QT for the Danios, have produced a couple of new leaves each.

The floating plant (still unknown name) now has three generations! Its leaves do tend to easily get tinged by the T5 lighting, but its doing alright.
Very nice! Very good growth also for the short time you have set up this tank! That is the advantage of using CO2; you quickly achieve a fully grown planted tank. I love the placement of the plants and the groups you've formed. Once the right side will have grown out a bit you will have a great tank.
The growth looks really healthy. :good: I see a nice "triangle scape" developing once the growth is established.

I'm a tad embarressed to show what I did to the tank layout last night, all in the aid of trying to help my pair of Opsarius pulchellus ("Pretty Hill Trout" or "Green-Barred Danio" from former Burma, now called Mayanmar)!

There is now almost a complete single-file border of the plants going round the edge of the tank, with the Pygmy Ludwigia across the front, can't say it fits any of the traditional aquascapes...

It might look athstetically awful, but on a positive note, these guys have noticeably come out of their shell and now do not solely stick to the ~12"x12" section of bare sand in the middle of the tank.
I'm a tad embarressed to show what I did to the tank layout last night, all in the aid of trying to help my pair of Opsarius pulchellus ("Pretty Hill Trout" or "Green-Barred Danio" from former Burma, now called Mayanmar)!

There is now almost a complete single-file border of the plants going round the edge of the tank, with the Pygmy Ludwigia across the front, can't say it fits any of the traditional aquascapes...

It might look athstetically awful, but on a positive note, these guys have noticeably come out of their shell and now do not solely stick to the ~12"x12" section of bare sand in the middle of the tank.

Sometimes, it is better to scape to suit the needs of your fish.
Well, the Opsarius had a pre-cautionary visit back to the LFS yesterday and were given the all clear and amazing settled back into the Rio 240 very quickly, using all areas like they did in the shop display tank!

Consequently, when I did my gravel vacuum while doing a 25% water change, I tweaked that ghastly aquascape from the other day and I'm reasonably happy with the outcome...

The Pygmy Ludwigia is now inbetween the two groups of Cambomba, next to the CO[sub]2 [/sub]diffuser's new home on the right end of the tank. The saw-edge leaved plant (Ludwigia glandulosa?) did not appreciate the midweek 30C pre-cautionary temperature rise (thought I had beginning of Ich outbreak on Opsarius) and has melted leaves and the base of several stems, so removed most of the "unhappy" bits and I hope the normal 25C will get them sorted.

Really looking forward to Tuesday now, as the next new fish will be a beautiful African Butterfly and African Bushfish (both ~5cm)!
Thanks Biulu, I like the balance now between open space and "jungle" areas, as do the Opsarius (they love jumping on the "treadmill" by hovering in the currents provided by the Koralis 1 [inbetween the Combomba groups] and the Juwel pump output [along the back wall].

Just been googling the Glandulosa and it must be that group on the back wall, as you correctly spotted... Which still leaves a mystery about what the saw-edge leaves plant is, with the reddy brown stem (which is the one that melted badly this last week in the heat)...
After adjusting the flow direction of the Karolis 1, so that it went along the front base of the tank, the Cambomba group front-right was not happy, so it got moved.

In addition, I found a random damsel(?) fly sitting on the breeding net! No idea if it had recently flown in from outside, or the beauty had grown from a lavae and had just emerged from th water, somehow avoiding being eaten by the Opsarius! He/she sat on the net on the window-ledge overnight before disppearing into the wild by the next afternoon. Amazingly vivid colours, I reckon it could well have grown up in the tank...

Looks very, very good. :good: It is nice to see a planted tank with larger fish. It is totally possible, if one takes into consideration the habits of the fish being kept.

Thanks for the complement :)

I forget to mention that most of the "mystery" plant species with saw-edged leaves got removed, as it went from melting at the base to total stem distintegration :( So now I hope to replace it with some "Windlov" Java Fern once my favourite LFS has official begun its trading in Tropica plants :)

Really looking forward to the end of the coming week when the Eheim 2078 external pump will hopefully arrive at my LFS, who price matched charterhouse aqautics online price of 300 squids for pump plus media... I then hope to use one of its features to create a stream flow along the open water at the front, which most planned fish stock should love, I just hope that the plants will not hate me!!
Lets just say I had a little shift-round this morning, trying to get bogwood near the Eheim filter (in preparation for Steatocranus cichlids) and get more open space...

I'm quite pleased with the results, even the trimming/re-planting of the glandulosa into shorter bits, definitely my happiest tinker sop far! Even the shy Yellowtails approve, four of them have been having a little dance school around the whole tank, rather than hiding like they used to behind the bogwood. Even the submissive Opsarius has coloured up his dorsal fin again!

And a wee video to show most of the community...
Bit of a move around in the last week!

The Cambomba got chopped in half, as is was taking up almost a quarter of the tank volume (now got removed bit in QT)...

Somewhere through the mist of algae, some new creatures lurk...

Can you tell which are the new seven? No? Neither can I!!!!

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