The Most Gentle/peacful/ Least Agressive Fish

Pearl Danio's they form loyal breeding pairs!
that's a myth and often applyed to zebra danios
they are however, like all danios, aggressive if kept in the wrong conditions.
otos have been known to turn into slime eaters :sick:

defo cories or khulis. its kind of funny to watch them with my Tapajos (territorial but only conspecific aggressive); they show absolutely no fear of the cichlids at food time. :lol:

danios, guppies and pretty much all of the common tetras display a lot of interaggression as they form hierarchies within their groups. (fin-nipping = aggression)
For most surprisingly non aggresive I would say silver sharks
mine seem to rush at the food and if so much as the tiniest neon tetra happens to reach a flake a nanosecond before them they just move over and look for another one that noone is closing in on.
My otos have never attacked another fish, but I've seen them chasing shrimp. It's pretty hilarious. But overall, they're peaceful too.
cories get my vote. i've never seen any be 'vicious'. my guppies and glowlights are pretty peaceful, too, if you don't include my male gup molesting the already pregnant females :crazy: :hyper: :lol: .
i would have to say corys i've had mine for about a year and they have never intentionally bothered another fish, other then running blindly into one
Hoplo Catfish mine are so peaceful and relaxed it's amazing my cories chase each other about abit play or otherwise...Kuhlii's and cories are in there to

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