The Life And Times Of Chops The Oscar

Ah, this is totally brilliant!

Chops= :wub:

Cheers for posting this! Gave me a good laugh :D Can't wait for the next post!

You're making me want an Oscar now!
I been watchin the big orange fish in the other tank, Vinny the one I met briefly, he does this funny swim where he goes upside down in circles, the little humans find it real funny. I keeps trying to practice it but I cant get it right I end up rolling on my side with my tummy up in the air. Star tells me I cant do somersaults coz my belly is too big. :lol:

I think I am going to behave for a while, Star is very sad because one of the other fish jumped out of his tank last night while she was putting the little ones to bed. Poor guy didnt make it, its made me think I should stop it, I dont wanna end up like that *shudder* not how sad Star is today.
Love this even more :shout: :D
Sorry for your losses chops and star :no:
iiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttts me again. Star has been spoilin my fun again :angry: next door to my tank is a tank without water, and it has 2 flying creatures in it buggies I think they are called, bloomin noisy creatures they are tweet tweet cheep cheep all bloomin day, they drive me nuts. Anyways I have found a way to shut them up for a bit, when they sit on the bit of wood in the middle of their tank I can see them and they eat from a bowl right by my tank. I hate these things! and when they come to eat I charge at them and make faces at them through the glass and do my best "get outta here, my space" dance, they dont like that and they fly right to the top of the tank where they cant see me, ha ha ha. Star has told me off for scaring the buggies and has put a cloth between the buggy tank and my tank so I cant scare them anymore, but I can still hear them tweetin an cheepin :rolleyes:

Had a fun day yesterday it was raining and the 4 legged hairy things that wonder around the house go outside every so often and get wet, I like the big black an tan one Kes star calls it. Every time that one goes out in the rain it comes back in and shakes itself right by my tank and it gets water on the outside of it, which means Star has to get the cloth out and wipe the glass, I love playing chase the cloth, up and down and side to side we go I dont like it much when Star does it in circles I cant keep up and I get dizzy following it.
iiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttts me again. Star has been spoilin my fun again :angry: next door to my tank is a tank without water, and it has 2 flying creatures in it buggies I think they are called, bloomin noisy creatures they are tweet tweet cheep cheep all bloomin day, they drive me nuts. Anyways I have found a way to shut them up for a bit, when they sit on the bit of wood in the middle of their tank I can see them and they eat from a bowl right by my tank. I hate these things! and when they come to eat I charge at them and make faces at them through the glass and do my best "get outta here, my space" dance, they dont like that and they fly right to the top of the tank where they cant see me, ha ha ha. Star has told me off for scaring the buggies and has put a cloth between the buggy tank and my tank so I cant scare them anymore, but I can still hear them tweetin an cheepin :rolleyes:

Had a fun day yesterday it was raining and the 4 legged hairy things that wonder around the house go outside every so often and get wet, I like the big black an tan one Kes star calls it. Every time that one goes out in the rain it comes back in and shakes itself right by my tank and it gets water on the outside of it, which means Star has to get the cloth out and wipe the glass, I love playing chase the cloth, up and down and side to side we go I dont like it much when Star does it in circles I cant keep up and I get dizzy following it.
Help!!!!!! Star has this box with a flashing bright light on it, she keeps putting it by my tank, she was acting weirder than me yesterday with this "camera" running around from tank to tank flashin then non flashin. What ever it is its not edible :grr: and she keeps tellin me to keep still for my picture!



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