Facts of Life

The terms microbiome and microbiota are scientific terms. They have specific definitions which are important. I believe they cannot and should not be used Interchangeably. Run the term microbiome thought Google Translate and as long as a language uses the English alphabet, this is what you see for a few potential languages"

Danish = mikrobiom
Spanish = microbioma
French = microbiome
Polish = mikrobiom
Italian = microbioma
German = Mikrobiom

Arabic = الميكروبيوم (pronounced almaykrubyum)

The above are a few and I see no way this can be confusing. I also find in looking at research that papers originally written in other than English usually have the Abstract in English first and then, below that, in the native language of the researchers. I assume this is true only for the English language peer reviewed Scientific Journals.

Hopefully, the use of scientific terminology reduces the potential for misunderstandings.

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