The Kārubusshu

Small update, the Loaches uprooted everything and all the plants are floating. The tank is turning into a jungle. All the plants have massive roots growing downwards, even the Alternanthera is thriving.
On a sad note- I will close down this aquarium. It will make way for a new monster tank (around 90 gallon) which I will plant too. Same scape as this tank but much bigger.
Well, 90g is a great size for a traditional Dutch scape. You should look into concepts such as "terracing" and obscuring the background. Really try to follow Dutch principles. I'd enjoy seeing a real nice Dutch scape here.
I'm well out of my depth. Pressurised Co2- New to me-know nothing about it, or what the parts do, such as the valves or regulators :-( :S
JFYI The tank will not be arriving anytime soon, first have to get rid of this 50 litre tank, then get rid of my empty Roma 125 :sick: And then we may be moving house. :shout: Its all too much lol :hey:
Here is a photo so you can see what I mean about the plants growing mad.

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