The Journal Of A Marine Beginner

I'd go get yourself a garden hose timer for the RO unit. Lets me just turn it on for a couple hours and walk away :D

:lol: need to sort something out, sure I will leave it on when I go to bed or something.... :sad:
Yeah, I'm forgetful enough to do that too... Lucky for me that I live next to the largest freshwater resevior in the world so it's a little cheap :D
Lucky bugga!

OK, here is a bad photo of the snail, its white with a kind of brownish pattern on it - are snails in marine a problem?

Latest on the tank.... You can see the green algae starting to come over the glass now, the sand is also starting pick up some of this....

And finally, the moonlights shot.... The pic does not do it justice!

Sounds like its time for a magfloat or a glass scraper :)

Yea, I do have one but only scrape green algae before a water change to minimise the spore ciruclation around the tank. Me and algae have made best friends, algae has shared nearly every one of its family with me... :sad:
its looking goood!
i have a minialgae war now my snails have turned lazy :p and can i see a reflection of someone in the glass or am i just seeing ghosts again lol!
its looking goood!
i have a minialgae war now my snails have turned lazy :p and can i see a reflection of someone in the glass or am i just seeing ghosts again lol!

Cheers mate! I've experienced pretty much all algaes in my tropical, made good learning!

That will be the missus on the laptop!
Nothing massively different to report on today...

The clowns are loving the increasing volume of copepods, wonder if they all eventually go though? The timers are yet to arrive, I've realised the temperature is fluctuating by about 1.5C per day. At night, the thermostat maintain 26C, with no complex cooling machinery it hits around 27.5C, with cooling for 15mins for each hour the temp is maintained around 26.5C.... bring on them timers!!!

Have noticed about 8 bright green little stem things about 1.5mm starting to appear, any idea what these may turn into?

The green dust algae was taking over so I have given the glass a clean and ramped up the skimmer to remove the spores, how long until the green algae growth subsides? Guess I will have to buy a phosphate tester this weekend...

This might seem like a stupid question, but why do you have a fan on your aquarium? Does it help in someway with evaporation?

why do you have a fan on your aquarium? Does it help in someway with evaporation?


I fitted the fan into the hood, its primary objective to extract heat from the T5's. It also heavily assists with evaporative cooling (just like how humans sweat to cool down) so by balancing the amount of time the fan is on I can regulate my temperature. Currently is within +1C -0C which is great as it only cost a fiver!
I noticed yesterday that one of my clowns looked… wrong! Upon closer inspection it seems that it must have swam head on into a rock or something and has split its head open, its left eye is enlarged by about a third… Good news is its still eating and swimming fine showing no signs of distress

This morning the eye seems to have gone down, just looks like a night out in Brixton now, behaviour is still normal!

Yesterday I added another 4 red legged hermits and 5 nitrous snails (which were a special from Florida). These snails make good watching, a soon as they went into the tank, they disappeared under the substrate – thought that would be the last I see of them UNTIL…. I fed the coral and clowns then all of a sudden, these snails just appear and it was freaky!!

Green algae are still hitting relatively hard, NO3 is at 2ppm and phosphates do not even register which is great! Think this should go on for a week or so longer then I would expect it to subside?
Some good news... it seems the GDA has passed its worst now. I followed the method from my tropical tank, let it grow until it turns brown and starts lifting from the glass, looks totally gross but effective. Scrapped the crud off and it seems to be stabilised which is great.

I've also noticed alot more purple good algae which I'm happy with. Fish are doing fine and despite finding hermit exoskeletons laying around, all is good. Water params are good, nitrates at 5ppm and that feeding twice per day

May add an algae blenny or scooter this weekend, depends on LFS stocking. I'm running an 11hr photo period now and over the next month will be incresing salinity from 1.023 to 1.024, will only take this time as I'm changing 10% per week.

Have noticed some green stem like things growing in varying places around the tank, not sure what they are or what they will turn into??
Prolly macro algaes ;). For raising salinity there's a simple trick :D. Allow evaporation to occur to 1.024 and topoff with saltwater of 1.024 and you're there. Much simpler than trying to add higher-concentration water with changes.

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